0:00: Yes, so let's, let's take a look at where we are right now in the world, like with that background.
0:07: , so you've got the world reserve currency, which is called the dollar, and the US dollar, and the US dollar is currently based upon the numbers that we're given by the official government numbers CPI.
0:25: is currently, and it was reported this week, inflating at 2.9%. , when the Federal Reserve started, , cutting rates, , because it believed that inflation is now under control because they have a goal of inflating away at 2% per year.
0:45: And that it was heading to inflating away at 2% per year.
0:49: Just an aside, the number is completely meaningless because what it doesn't factor in, and I don't want to get too complicated, but CPI doesn't factor in that the dollar is strengthening relative to all other currencies as the world reserve currency.
1:05: And so when you're pricing, what it's basically saying is the average price of a basket of goods.
1:12: Is meant to be 2% per annum.
1:15: , and if people believe that it's 2% per annum and their wages maybe goes up at 2% per annum, then they're thinking, OK, I'm OK, I'm, I'm, , in the same position.
1:27: , but the scam is that it's not going up at 2% per annum because it doesn't factor in the fact that all the goods are priced in the dollar and the dollar is a moving target, and there's a cumulative inflation, which means that the 2% was based upon whatever inflation was last period and we all know in 2022 a game was played where the where the Federal Reserve said inflation was transitory.
1:54: And it ended up peaking in the US at 9%.
1:58: Now peaking at the US at 9% is the best in the world, and it almost created so much wealth and equality within the US that, you know, that you get closer and closer to civil unrest every single year.
2:16: And this is what happens when you when you create a game that is engineered to fail.
2:24: And the dollar is a game that was engineered to fail.
2:27: And that game was copied off the British, , the, the Bank of England, and we'll go a little bit deeper into that, but I just want to make sure everyone understands where we are today.
2:38: , and the reason that game is engineered to fail is because it is in fact a digital currency, so the dollar is a digital currency.
2:48: And that digital currency is created not by the Federal Reserve but by the Federal Reserve shareholders in most cases.
2:57: And the Federal Reserve shareholders consist of the banks that constructed the Federal Reserve in the first place so that it could look official like a government organisation, in reaction to a series of artificially created panics panic events.
3:17: , in order to make people believe that it's good for the banks to lend.
3:24: And be able to engage in fractional reserve banking, i.e., create digital currency every time they issue a loan.
3:32: But because the interest to repay the loan doesn't actually exist.
3:36: You create an infinitely Ponzi scheme where every time somebody repays a loan.
3:43: The money actually disappears, and anytime somebody borrows the money, new digital currency is created, but it creates an interest to be repaid on top, and the only way to repay the interest is for somebody else to borrow that money so that it creates more digital currency.
4:00: And so in this infinite wisdom you have created the world's largest regulator Ponzi scheme enforced by regulations, and the regulator of the regulator is in fact the Federal Reserve, who acts in the interests of its own shareholders, but it has created this illusion of acting in the interest of the American people.
4:25: But if it's acting in the interests of the American people, how come every, you know, it systemically always pumps and dumps the market?
4:33: And who does it, how does the government get so deep in debt?
4:38: To the point where from World War I, approximately $250 billion or so after World War 1 to $36 trillion today, and an additional $250 trillion of already confirmed liabilities that it owes through either Medicare, through war, through interest, and through Social Security.
5:06: , and so we're faced today with a problem.
5:11: And the problem is that if you want more money, you need to have more debt.
5:16: And yet the government has said to you, strategically vote for Trump because Trump is going to make the government so efficient that it's going to pay down the national debt.
5:27: And if you pay down the national debt, you lose $36 trillion in the world's money supply, because if you want more money, you have to have more debt.
5:38: If you want less debt, you have to have less money.
5:42: And that's the rules of digital currency that's created by the Federal Reserve, by its shareholders, which are the banks that get to create it every time they issue a loan.
5:53: And then their their parent shareholder, the Federal Reserve.
5:58: Gets to create these instruments where if they take too much risk.
6:04: They get to bailout and the tax bill, essentially, sorry, the bill.
6:10: , of the bailout is inflicted by increasing the US government debt.
6:15: The US government doesn't mind because they get an infinite amount of money to increase their expenses so they can extort more out of the system.
6:23: And eventually you end up with situations today where incredibly wealthy people are making up Congress and those wealthy people are also bribing politicians in order to engineer the game so that all the money that is printed ends up back in the hands of the companies that are lobbying in the first place.
6:45: So the military industrial complex, big pharma, the banking lobby, the Israeli lobby, you know, send billions over to Israel.
6:53: Israel then pretends that, you know, what they're doing has got nothing to do with what America has signed off on through its congress bribes.
7:04: , and what it's actually doing is it is destabilising the Middle East in order to prop up an essential part of the dollar.
7:13: And the essential part of the dollar is that loans are made all around the world.
7:21: And so you can have larger and larger loans.
7:25: And, , and those loans come with conditions in order to have a central bank, which is created by a subsidiary of the entire central banking system.
7:39: , and Truth went through like the bank for International Settlements, that is one of the essential pillars of the whole system.
7:48: But these IMF loans are falsely inflicted through mafiosa, you know, intelligence agencies like MI6, the CIA, and Mossad.
7:59: Because if you don't take the loan, you end up with your country in civil war, and often they create these civil wars by funding what looks like crazy terrorist groups.
8:12: And so ISIS, al Qaeda are two examples of US Mossad MI6 proxies that are funded by intelligence agencies in order to create carnage in a country.
8:24: And they infiltrate the leadership.
8:27: They create wars in countries, and by creating those wars you get to recruit radicalised people that that are that are more than willing for, you know, for the cause that they believe they're fighting or the money that they believe they're receiving.
8:43: They're more than willing to do the bidding.
8:46: You know, of whoever's in charge and whoever's in charge is infiltrated by intelligence agencies and then the media is used in order to perpetuate.
8:59: The American economy wants the world to believe.
9:03: , and so by it completely destabilising the Middle East and by putting puppet governments across the region, which was a British policy from Sys Picot.
9:14: , you know, around the wartime periods and the pre-wartime periods.
9:19: , it is able to prop up the demand for the dollar through the petro dollar, which is where a largest.
9:28: Oil exporter like Saudi Arabia who exports enough oil for say a country like America, $350 million they're now energy.
9:38: America is now oil independent because of fracking, but the point is that because they've only got 35 million people, they exporting their oil get to set the price of oil.
9:51: And all of the oil producers get together and decide what the price of oil should be based upon how much reserve oil they construct.
10:00: And because Saudi Arabia prices its oil in dollars, it creates this demand for dollars, and then through that money, it goes back into purchasing weapons from the military industrial complex and then lending it back to the US government by them trying to preserve the value to beat inflation.
10:19: , by buying US Treasuries and so in this infinite loop of IMF loans.
10:26: , and, , you know, controlled policy, the money coming back into America that's servicing the military industrial complex, you can steal from the American people.
10:39: And you do it through a hidden tax called inflation on top of the tax that you're already paying just to cover the interest on the debt that is the profit of the private banking sector.
10:51: And then that is then powered to lever up many times over.
10:55: So, you know, you're talking about usury, usury would be if you were charging 23% on a credit card.
11:01: But if you can lever that money up 10 times over and back it by US Treasuries that were created out of thin air anyway?
11:10: , then you've got not just usury of 23%, you've now got 230%.
11:16: You have now successfully codified usury to the highest degree, backed by the guarantee of an illegitimate institution.
11:26: That his relationship with the government because they continually make the government bigger and bigger and bigger.
11:32: And because the government gets bigger and bigger and bigger, it gets more and more corrupt, and it starts to eventually create the scenario we're in today, where a capitalist economy suddenly looks like a socialist economy, and if the banking system implodes on itself, you can issue a central bank digital currency where you fully hand over all of the dollar that's being created by the private banks over to the one central bank.
11:58: And then you've almost got to a form of technocratic totalitarian communism on a blockchain.
12:05: That's the end game if you carry on the game in its infancy.
12:09: It's a Ponzi scheme, it's inevitable, it's predictable, it's guaranteed, and it doesn't matter whether anyone in the Trump administration says we're not gonna do a CBDC.
12:20: , you know, that it, it will be inflicted at the time when there will be a battle between the Federal Reserve and Treasury.
12:30: We are getting to that point.
12:32: Where the US government and the interests of the Federal Reserve may not be in line for much longer.
12:40: And we're kind of hitting that point, and that is when you get extreme populist leaders where those that are shafted by the system, i.e. those that took on debt in order to consume.
12:51: Basically debt slaves to the banking system because they didn't take their debt and they didn't acquire assets.
12:58: The only way to beat this system.
13:01: It is for you to take debts in a fiat currency system.
13:06: And lever it up and buy real estate or buy stocks or find some kind of escape velocity, which is what Bitcoin created in 2008, because you, your asset needs to increase at a faster rate of inflation, and inflation is a rigged number, and your wages aren't going up at the same time as inflation, so everyone ends up in most people end up in debt slavery.
13:32: If you end up in a situation where you're taking on credit card debt in order to, most of your wages are going on your rent, which is servicing the debt of the private bank through their privilege called fractional reserve banking, or somebody else's mortgage that isn't borrowing it and benefiting from the growth in that asset because they managed to get close to the bank to be able to borrow the money.
13:55: , Then you will be going down, you will be decreasing your wealth, no matter how hard you try.
14:03: You'll say I'm gonna spend less than I earn, I'm gonna put the money in the bank and I'm gonna save up as much as I can.
14:09: You are losing money in real time.
14:12: And the only way to beat it is to say, right, well, I'm not an investor, I'm just gonna hand it over to a pension.
14:19: I'm just going to give a a contribution every month, then what do they do?
14:23: Where they take that money and then say, well, we're gonna invest it into ETF products.
14:29: And when we buy an ETF we're gonna hold your shares for you, but you're gonna give us your voting rights.
14:34: And a company like Blackrock will say, I'll take your voting rights and we'll leverage that in order to get board seats.
14:41: And when we have board seats and voting rights, and we're managing trillions of dollars of the world's wealth because the system's too damn complicated for you to do it.
14:50: And we're enforcing it through employment laws, then we can become actually a de facto controller of all assets, i.e., communism, or closer and closer to neo, you know, a a neo covert version of communism.
15:09: And so the people on the left demand the government to say, I need more money from you.
15:14: I need you to tax the rich.
15:16: I, it's just not working for me.
15:18: I cannot survive.
15:20: And the people on the right are using that and borrowing money at the cheapest rate possible from the central bank through things like quantitative easing at 0% in some cases.
15:31: And they're able to clip and if they get a banking licence, they can then lever that up many 100 times over and be part of what I call the proof of weapons network, which is essentially the fiat currency with the largest military that engages in the most amount of terrorism that use that successfully covert that successfully engages as many covert wars as possible.
15:58: Ends up with the lowest inflation rate.
16:02: And all other fiat currencies end up with a higher inflation rate, , but they're all derivatives of the same fiat currency.
16:12: And if you get on the right side of that and you leverage debt and contribute and purchase assets, then you may be able to get on the right side of it.
16:21: So this creates that two-tiered economy where the rich get rich and the poor get poorer based upon how you manage debt and the assets that you accumulate.
16:30: And so everyone needs to accumulate assets.
16:33: Those that accumulate shitcoins and get it wrong end up on the left side accidentally supplementing their income through debt.
16:41: Those that managed to successfully dollar cost average cross Bitcoin, beat every single asset class in the world.
16:48: Those that purchase real estate in the right location, a chunk of the money goes to servicing the digital currency that the banks create.
16:56: They make 10 times more than you, and they get the ability to repossess your real estate if you stop paying.
17:03: And if you're a good wage slave, then you earn enough in order to cover the interest on the debt, but at least you get to be inflation and you go further up the echelon and maybe you're able to then buy some stocks and hand them over to BlackRock so that Black Rock can take the voting rights and control most of the industry across America.
17:22: , and that is, that is the system.
17:25: And it was engineered very covertly, as we said, , by the Federal Reserve, the same families that created the Bank of England or perpetuated the Bank of England system.
17:37: , and so, you know, where, what are the vital elements and then why did Satoshi Nakamoto come along and create something to counter that?
17:47: Well, the vital elements, as we said, the British Empire, , needed the Bank of England in order to fight its war and have both sides funded with Waterloo, the French and the Brits.
17:59: , and engage in colonial expeditions to engage in a form of mercantilism.
18:06: mercantilism is rape, pillage and steel.
18:10: Covertly hyperinflate other people's economies.
18:13: And then take their real hard money as a result of it.
18:17: So what the British Empire was brilliant at was going into countries like, let's give one example like Ghana.
18:24: , when the when the British Empire, , came along and entered Ghana, they realised that the best way to get all of the gold out of Ghana is to, , hyperinflate the currency.
18:38: So in Ghana, they were using a currency called aggrobeads, and these aggrobeads were scarce, , beads that were hung around people's neck and you could spend them in the economy and they were scarce as, as a demonstration of wealth.
18:53: And there were very few aggrobeads in the economy, so they were scarce and they acted as money.
19:01: What the Brits and the Europeans did is they came along and said, well, we'll , we will invent glass making and with glass making, they were able to create additional aggro beats and flood the economy with aggro beats, destroy the economy, and once the economy was destroyed, you could then take payment of debts in gold, and then the gold is the asset that the mercantiles want, and you destroy the fake currency.
19:30: So through fiat currency, through perpetrating this fiat currency system.
19:34: Around the world, they recognised that they could plagiarise currencies.
19:38: This happened in the American Revolution, in fact.
19:42: You're probably told about, you know, a Tea Party where the Brits tried to tax, but what they didn't tell you is that we actually, , you were using a currency called colonial scripts.
19:52: We tried to tax the Americans, , and then we created and forged like we did in the Napoleonic Wars as well.
20:01: Your currency and we flooded the economy and destroyed your economy and it actually decided that you would fight back with a state banking system.
20:10: You would expel the Brits and in 1776 you made a declaration of Independence and put together a constitution in order to ensure that that would never happen again and your currency couldn't be devalued.
20:23: There were 3 attempts to make sure that that dollar was subjected to the same.
20:28: And the European bankers created 3 central banks within America.
20:33: The third iteration got codified into 1913 with unconstitutional money, where we set about creating the same Ponzi scheme that was created when the Bank of England subdiverted and bankrupted the UK government by taking it into World War I.
20:51: , and we managed to do that at the same time, , with the Federal Reserve.
20:58: , and so this makes up the foundation.
21:00: So what were the elements of it and where are we today?
21:04: The way where we are today is that the dollar is strengthening relative to all other currencies.
21:11: All other currencies are inflating at a greater weight.
21:13: So when you had 9% inflation in America, most people were choosing between, you know, how you're going to survive and how you're going to pay your bill.
21:22: In Britain, we were choosing between eating and heating.
21:27: I left Britain a while back, but figuratively we'll talk about it because I know many people that are there.
21:32: , because their currency was not, was not appreciating like the dollar, it was crashing at the same time as inflation getting worse at the same time as the cost of borrowing for the UK government increasing.
21:48: And at the same time as the economy worsening and tax increasing.
21:54: And so put all that together and you just need one trigger event like COVID, and it can destroy everything that's happened because essentially these economies are bankrupting at a faster rate than the dollar.
22:07: And so people stop investing in British assets and they decide to convert their pounds to dollars and then they take those dollars and if they've got excess reserves like a central bank, they lend it to the US government through the treasury market.
22:22: And then the US government uses that to enforce the the proof of weapons network, spend more on military, and if you're a country like Sri Lanka, , Lebanon, Pakistan.
22:36: Then your dollar reserves were depleting to 0.
22:39: You were lending, you were trying to preserve some of your values by holding some of the dollar reserves and lending it to the US government, and then the US government at the same time was engaging in covert regime change, overthrowing your, your leadership.
22:56: And destroying your economy and then through through International Monetary Fund loans inflicting currency devaluations which took away the wealth of all the people of what little savings they had left and led to the central bank printing money at a faster rate than the US.
23:15: So a country like Zimbabwe, while you had 9% in America had 900% in Zimbabwe.
23:23: And so through this mechanism they're able to take those loans, those IMF loans.
23:29: And gradually use their your assets, your country's assets as if they were yours.
23:36: So a country is exporting all of its goods.
23:40: In order to try and even though its own people exporting its own food, even though people are starving in their own country.
23:49: And this is nothing, people call it a failure of capitalism.
23:53: It's actually a failure of central banking and it's a currency war.
23:57: And so the dollar is currently propping up by destabilising the Middle East.
24:03: So in the latest iteration, You know, the America, you know, the CIA Mossad and MI6 decided to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria and replace it with proxies from.
24:17: And, you know, Turkey militia groups, a Syrian rebel, but a leadership of ISIS and al Qaeda.
24:25: And said we'll put a suit on that ISIS and al Qaeda person and suddenly we'll use our media to make people think that this leadership is different to how we want to portray it.
24:37: , because ISIS and al Qaeda are our buddies, and we're able to control them and make sure that Syria does not support, for example, any competing forces like the Soviet Union or does not allow Russia to have a port at Tartus in order to have a submarine that can take that is able to deploy across the Mediterranean Sea.
25:01: Or it can't be used in order to fund Hezbollah, , and, , Hezbollah then.
25:08: You know, being an essential part of keeping Israel under control, and now Israel can now go and and commit to the Greater Israel Project, which is the same as the Greater Federal Reserve project, essentially, which is the same as the Greater Bank of England project, and the Bank of England project needed World War I in order to destroy any competition, like replace Russia.
25:34: With the Soviet Union and implement Marxist communism.
25:39: When Russia had the greatest gold reserves, , a tar in charge where 80% of the land was owned by peasants, no inflation.
25:48: And the largest gold reserves in the world.
25:51: And and full employment at the same time.
25:55: And so this mechanism through destroying currencies, , funded the Bolshevik revolution that replaced the Russian economy with the Soviet Union.
26:10: , we also had the Balfour Declaration that was the mechanism for implanting MI6 into the Middle East to destabilise the region through the Balfour Declaration, and that also brought America into World War I so that a successful transfer of all Britain's gold, Germany's gold, and Russia's gold could end up in Fort Knox after the creation of the Federal Reserve.
26:38: In the interwar period, there was hyperinflation that led to the Valmo Republic, as I'm sure you know, that led to mass degeneracy.
26:47: , and then that was fought back with the National Socialist movement, , and then, , what, what led to World War 2.
26:57: And in that interwar period, an essential part of the US dollar proof of weapons mechanism was created, which was the Bank for International Settlements, which was to negotiate a mechanism for stealing all the gold from the losers of the war and having reparations agreement that meant that you had to have a central bank that bowed down to the policy of the Federal Reserve system, and any, any country that was on the side.
27:26: That was on the wrong side of any standing up against the Federal Reserve system.
27:31: would end up with some kind of mechanism to ensure that they were replaced with a Bank for International Settlement bank.
27:38: There were only 3 countries that resisted it Germany.
27:42: Japan and Italy.
27:45: And so all three of those were the ones where their debt-free monetary system had to be replaced with a debt-based Ponzi scheme through the Bank for International Settlements, and the price that they had to all pay is the export of all of their gold to Fort Knox through the Treaty of Versailles Agreement.
28:02: Now America had the Federal Reserve and and a massive chunk of the world's gold supply.
28:10: And now it needed to write a new fiat currency system.
28:15: It needed to extort the gold.
28:19: And so it created the Great Depression of 1933, where the Federal Reserve engineered a pump and dump scheme, , called, , a speculative attack.
28:30: Yeah, the 29 Roaring twenties.
28:32: That was led to in 1933, a Great Depression.
28:37: , and the confiscation of all the American people's gold.
28:41: And so by making it illegal for Americans to own gold, they could say, you have a Federal Reserve note that is now worth $20 but you've got to give, you gotta give me your gold.
28:52: , and the confiscation of gold happened in 1933.
28:57: , and, , there was a decades-long Great Depression globally when Germany created its debt-free monetary system, , and managed to create the most successful recovery of the Valmo republic that the world has ever seen.
29:14: , and a zero inflation environment and national socialism.
29:19: And so therefore, Japan, Germany, and Italy, which all had debt-free monetary systems based upon a resistance movement against the fiat currency proof of weapons network, all had to be taken out, and they won because America joined the effort and a series of other events that's no point going in for, for right now.
29:42: But the end of World War II.
29:45: Gave the perfect excuse to say to the world.
29:49: Right, let's ditch gold.
29:51: America's got all the gold, so you don't want to lose all your gold by having your currencies convertible into gold.
29:58: So why don't you all just make your currencies convertible into the dollar?
30:03: And we'll make sure that Germany has a debt-based monetary system.
30:08: Japan has a debt-based monetary system.
30:10: They created the Bank of Japan, which is essentially the bank that provides 0% loans to the entire world nowadays, trillions and trillions of dollars of loans for free, so that hedge funds can invest in the US stock market.
30:27: So they created all of these silos of central banks that would provide all the liquidity to prop up the dollar, and rather than have countries invest in their own countries and their own infrastructure, it would be lent over to the US government that would create this perpetual cycle of demand for dollars and loans to the US government and the ability to print the money.
30:51: But the American people suffer less inflation than everybody else while it is exported into parabolic inflation in other countries until they will borrow more money from the organisation that was set up in the first place.
31:07: So the Bretton Woods was set up and Bretton Woods said.
31:13: Everybody convert your currencies into dollars, and here's a promise.
31:18: We got the gold.
31:20: Germany, we've got your gold, England, we got your gold, Russia, we got your gold, and you've got the Soviet Union.
31:27: We're fake capitalism based upon the Federal Reserve system, where we replaced the dollar with unconstitutional version of the dollar by the Federal Reserve in a debt-based Ponzi scheme.
31:40: We are now the currency, and we will promise that if you ever want that Federal Reserve not converted into gold, we'll give it to you at $20 and then later $35.
31:51: And so this then set the world order, United Nations was set up in order to say, if you don't play by the rules, here's the rules-based order.
32:00: But we get to veto vote, the five superpowers get to veto vote anyone else, and we get to hold the world to account.
32:07: You can have your say, but there's only 5 people that get to veto vote, and it was 4 initially.
32:13: , and so there was, and then we and then said, and anybody that wants to reconstruct their economy, take a World Bank loan, the World Bank will perpetuate dollar loans, and the CIA was formed in order to take over the MI6 system and the Mossad was formed after Israel was created that makes up the construct of the deep state that we know today.
32:37: So the deep state consists of the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, , Mossad, CIA and MI6.
32:48: And they act in the interest of the Federal Reserve shareholders, i.e. the banks and the companies and the corporations that are on the recipient's end of the cheap money.
33:00: They do not work in the American people's best interests, the British people's best interests, and they don't even work in the Israelis' interests.
33:07: The Israelis was, you know, told that they need to go to Israel and join the IDF to engage in ethnic cleansing and genocide.
33:16: , they rewrote the Schofield Bible in order to scam all the Christians into thinking that the prophet Israel was actually the land Israel and rather than it being a particular group of people at that time that were upholding a covenant, it was actually all those that need to live in Israel in order to bring back the Messiah and the whole messianic vision.
33:41: And they also created the foundation of terrorism, which is covert operations through terrorist groups like Haganah and various other ones that even engaged in exporting German Jews over to Palestine in order to ethnically cleanse.
33:59: and create false flag operations like dressing up as Arabs, pretending that it was a Muslim problem, so that you could subdivert the world into thinking that it was the Arabs, the Palestinians, and the Muslims that were causing all the terrorism that was actually created by intelligence agencies through their groups.
34:18: That's where they founded the model, you know, we had a series of false flag operations, for example, , in, , you know, you had the Levant Directive, which is where Israelis were pretending to be Egyptians, , and they would, , you know, the King David, for example, , bombing where Israelis would pretend and they would kill Jews, they would kill Arabs, they would kill Brits in order to justify the 48 wars so that they could say that it was an Arab war, say it was their fault, and then use the British.
34:52: Military and MI6 to get the independence in order to create Israel, for example,'67 war, where they blew up USS Liberty in order to try and get a nuclear war between Egypt and America, but they ended up just killing Americans so that they could blame it on Egyptians.
35:16: , and, , also 9/11, of course, which is a Mossad CIA operation, , in order to, , make the world ready for the fake war on terror because the Soviet Union was coming to bankruptcy.
35:31: And prior after World War II, they needed the next set of wars after the Cold War.
35:37: , and, , , you know, and, and that was constructing the, the makeup of the fake war on terror, which is currently going through in a second iteration right now.
35:47: , everyone is being led to believe that these invasions in countries which are 100% intelligence agency constructs.
35:57: , which are done for very deliberate reasons.
36:00: are driving people towards hatred and they're doing a series of operations to make you think that you need to go to war with Iran and it's OK to go with Iran because Iran is the current sponsor of all the terrorism, which is actually the sponsor of the resistance movement against the terrorism and to confuse Westerners into thinking that people are trying to cut their head off, take away their freedom, and kill them.
36:26: And so therefore you're OK to fund more war and accept more inflation and create more wealth inequality so that the Fed can print more money.
36:35: , and cause more wealth inequality, , that ends up in the hands of the shareholders that are, that are perpetuating the wars in the first place.
36:45: And so that's the, the construct that we have today.
36:48: Now the problem with it is it periodically implodes in itself, because right now Europe is being completely destroyed.
36:58: The Germans, we, you know, and the Italians and everybody, the European Central Bank took over their currency, so they lost control of their monetary policy.
37:09: , Japan is just a shell company for lending to buy into the US stock market and a military industrial complex.
37:17: The UK is just a military-industrial complex controlled by banking lobby and big pharma.
37:23: All we do is we sell drugs.
37:25: , we push banking, financial services and money laundering.
37:30: And we fund terrorism and create wars and say these people are defending themselves, but these ones are the terrorists just based upon who we want to sell the weapons to and whatever media we need to use in order to subdivert people's attention.
37:47: , and Europe is dying.
37:50: , it is, you know, Germany is deindustrializing.
37:55: The euro is getting weaker and weaker relative to the dollar.
37:58: The debt's increasing.
38:00: , people are finding it harder and harder in order to keep up their expenses.
38:05: , there is no vision across Europe.
38:08: You know, there are some anomalies like Poland, which are kind of, , punching above the rest of Europe.
38:15: , but the only country that actually had its own currency, like Britain, Brexited because it wants to maintain its own silo for the Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements, which is done through Geneva that have their own jurisdictions with their own armies and their own polices.
38:33: , in order to uphold the deep state and the system as we know it today.
38:39: And we have this farce all around the world.
38:41: So the euro dollar is where dollars are being created by European banks.
38:46: And then they're being used in order to convert to dollars to invest in the market, , and this is creating a massive amount of demand that are propping up the dollars.
38:57: So that the Federal Reserve can print, but they still get the lowest inflation rate relative to the world, and they can maintain their relative value and ensure that all of those euros that are printed end up serving the interests of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve shareholders.
39:14: Just as the petro dollar does the thing, it takes all of the Middle Eastern oil and gas and resources and uses it to prop up the proof of weapons network in the Federal Reserve.
39:25: And create the artificial demand for the dollar so that it can be used in order to destabilise its region and implement regime change by anyone that tries to dare fight against the system rather than taking the IMF loan.
39:38: So every country across the African regions, across the Middle Eastern regions, whether it be from Libya, that basically said we're going to create our own gold-based currency, we're told that they're an evil dictator and they need to be overthrown.
39:55: Like at one point, Saddam Hussein was a, was part of the CIA agent, as was.
40:00: , As was Osama bin Laden.
40:04: , but at the same time they need to be used and weaponized.
40:08: And so when Iran became the enemy, which was all about propping up British petroleum, the Iranian revolution was a fight for to regain the oil and nationalise the oil after a military coup by the by MI6 and the CIA in order to take over Iranian oil and turn it into British petroleum.
40:28: When they dared try to use their oil for their own resources.
40:31: , it ends up in, you know, a, a, a revolution to overthrow the implant of leadership that we had there when the, when the monarch, , and the, and the Shah was in control, , which are just basically doing the bidding of the deep state.
40:48: , and so you end up with where we, you know, all of this, where we are today.
40:54: And The only way to escape the system when you think about it financially.
41:02: Is the only way to increase your wealth.
41:06: is to accumulate assets that grow at a faster rate than the inflation that you're inflicting in your country, and the rate at which your government has to devalue your currency in order to try and steal more money from you.
41:22: At the same time, we've created technologies like artificial intelligence, which means that pretty much the way you earn income today in 5 years will not be the same.
41:31: So in this administration where we are today, We've got wealth destruction that will continue.
41:38: The Trump administration will print more money than the Biden administration, who printed more money than the previous Trump administration who printed more money than the administration before that.
41:48: Why?
41:49: Because it's a debt-based Ponzi scheme.
41:50: The Federal Reserve sets the monetary policy.
41:53: And the Treasury has the opportunity to fight back against it.
41:58: And every time that has happened, it's led to the assassination of the president.
42:02: The last attempt at that was 1963 when JFK said we're going to print our own dollars and make it convertible into some of the silver.
42:11: They couldn't use the gold, why not?
42:14: Because the gold that was stolen from the American people ended up collateral by the Federal Reserve for the $36 trillion of debt in case, so all of the money, the gold that allegedly.
42:28: Is the American people's or treasuries, it can't be audited because it's actually collateral and belongs to the Federal Reserve, which is a private organisation that works in the interests of its shareholders.
42:40: And you have these massive obfuscations in order to avoid audits to make sure that no one ever sees that actually.
42:50: The Federal Reserve is rinsing all of Americans' assets.
42:54: And is guaranteed by tax and is creating such severe wealth inequality that they need to fudge the numbers and pretend that everyone's OK.
43:04: But the only way to bait it is to try and purchase the assets and take out debt.
43:09: And so that's why you've got crony capitalism within America.
43:13: That's why you've got more and more people being employed by the government, , and that's why they need to need to create when in times of crisis, helicopter money to people that are living paycheck to paycheck, month to month, veterans are coming back from these wars, psychologically traumatised because they found out that they have to end up killing children and stuff and all sorts of stuff that no human can handle.
43:38: And then they find out that there was no weapons of mass destruction and they were doing the bidding of the military industrial complex and a bank.
43:45: So in order to handle that they can't afford nothing.
43:47: They end up addicted to drugs.
43:48: You have drug problems across the streets.
43:51: And you have homelessness all across and you have infrastructure that is no longer being invested in because it's way better.
44:00: To send some money to Israel that comes back into the profits of the military industrial complex than actually build a bridge that's useful to the American people.
44:09: Situations where literally LA is burning down.
44:13: And you end up with the Biden administration trying to make sure that as much money as possible ends up in Ukraine, and Keir Starner, who is not servicing the UK people's interests, he's literally just signed a 100 year deal in order to commit to guaranteeing loans by the IMF in order to ensure that more weapons can be sent to Ukraine when only half of the money is actually making its way there and the rest is going into sheer corruption.
44:43: And the rest of it is just being used to kill Ukrainians and people in a war they know they can't win.
44:50: , and that kind of brings us to, you know, where we are now, so.
44:55: The artificial intelligence is getting to that point.
44:58: There is no way that the way you earn income today will be the way that you can still earn income in the next 5 years.
45:05: Everything's coming together in that kind of thing.
45:09: If we allow the neocons to remain in charge, Simon, just, just before you move past that point, I saw that agreement that Starmer passed.
45:17: How does he have the authority to sign a 100 year commitment to Ukraine and give them 3 billion pounds a year?
45:23: That's insane.
45:25: How he was able to guarantee that.
45:26: You tell me.
45:27: I got no, I got no idea, , but they just come up with these agreements.
45:32: , and, , apparently, yeah, we've got people who just have to sit by and and say that that's OK, that's acceptable.
45:40: , Israel stood by and didn't demand their own 100 year commitment.
45:46: Yeah, no, I do.
45:47: I haven't didn't, didn't see the headline of the Israeli, maybe they just think that they've, they've taken over the UK for I mean it's so easy to change leadership in the UK literally, like we just had.
46:00: OK, Boris Johnson, your job is to get everyone on these vaccines and do a lockdown.
46:05: Boom.
46:06: Liz Trust, your job is to do something with the pension scheme, blow up the system, and then justify the fact that we can hike rates and bail out the pension system by selling more guilts.
46:18: And by the way, Simon, , Zelinski's wife is currently in St.
46:22: Moritz, which is one of the most expensive ski resorts in Switzerland, the fact in the world actually, while this agreement's been signed in the UK.
46:31: Must be nice, must be nice.
46:33: Rishi Shinak, your job is to, , make sure that everyone gets, , vaccinated and don't worry, you've got, we know that you and your family and your wife, you've got all your shares in Mona, , and you actually made shit tonnes of money out of it.
46:49: , all right, suddenly we're no longer happy with Boris Johnson.
46:53: He went and ate some cake during COVID.
46:57: , we've got to be all disgraced by that and we've got to have a snap election.
47:01: And then suddenly, Rishi, by the way, you don't care, you're not the prime minister anymore.
47:04: It's time for Keir Starmer to come in.
47:07: Oh, and Keir Starmer, you weren't meant to say that you would arrest Netanyahu if he turns in the UK.
47:15: Time to get Elon Musk to bring up a 12 year old scandal called Pakistani grooming gangs and remind everyone that you actually, for Israel, , did actually try to pin rape on Julian Assange.
47:31: , because he was created this website called WikiLeaks that was telling too much truth, and the reason why I know all this shit.
47:39: Because it was actually leaking real government official documents explaining how ISIS was controlled by America, explaining how al Qaeda is an American asset, explaining how the fake war on terror was known that there was no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, explaining everything that has now led to Freedom of Information Act requests and even official, you know, declassification of documents, but the media never covers it.
48:09: And the only reason is we tried to take out WikiLeaks, but this damn digital currency called Bitcoin came along, and when we shut down their PayPal account, and when we shut down anyone that transferred money to Bank of America by contributing to WikiLeaks, and we tried to make sure that Visa could no longer send money and Mastercard could no longer send money, Julian Assange said, we're accepting Bitcoin payments, and Bitcoin became the highest growing currency in the world.
48:38: And after the Bitcoin community funded the WikiLeaks project, it was able to fund itself for many years into the future in order to do the work that the journalists are meant to be doing in what we are told is free press, and we saw what free press means.
48:55: If anyone didn't see.
48:57: , that, , Antony Blinken, who for 16 months has been lying to the world, pretending that Hamas, who did 40 beheaded babies and mass rape with zero evidence and 0.
49:13: , actual reality to what actually happened.
49:18: But that story needed to make you believe that it's OK for genocide and ethnic cleansing to happen, and he made sure that he was lying to the people every week, week after week, day after day, saying Hamas is turning down the ceasefire deal.
49:35: Hamas is this.
49:36: We're just trying to, Israel's doing everything they can, trying to defend themselves.
49:42: And just completely reframing the biggest pile of propaganda and bullshit that the world has set the scene so that they can justify the sheer mass destruction that is happening in Gaza right now, that is meant to be coming towards a ceasefire.
49:58: And we all know that Israel will do whatever it can, and we all know that America is involved in that operation as well.
50:06: And we all know that Britain's involved in that, and whenever there is, if the gen if Trump is genuine, you know, an anti- deep state movement.
50:15: And then he may not be a neocon, but he's certainly a Zionist, and there's no way you can play President of the United States without bowing down to Israel.
50:25: That's a fact.
50:27: And even though he never needed the 100 million from Adelston because enough money came even from the Bitcoin and crypto community to fund the whole damn campaign.
50:36: He still needed to accept it like a gangster.
50:40: And so even if he doesn't want the money, he has to take the money.
50:44: Because you can't play president in the United States.
50:48: Without accepting the Israeli lobby money, which comes with the terms and conditions that Trump accepted, and even if you are not a neocon, and I don't think that Trump is a neocon, you certainly have to be a Zionist in order to play the president of the United States in America.
51:05: , and that's the situation that we find ourselves in, , today.
51:11: Now, if we're getting into Bitcoin, Bitcoin was a resistance movement against the central banking system.
51:19: It was created in 2008.
51:21: It's fully open source.
51:23: All the codes can be seen.
51:25: It was sent out to the cypherpunk mailing list, which consisted of a 30 year experiment of a group of people that were taking.
51:34: , many of the open source libraries and technologies and try to create services like DigiCash and Liberty Dollar, and various other things.
51:44: And when they were too centralised, they would get shut down.
51:47: , and then the technology that was created from the previous version would iterate over a 30 year experiment until 2008, anonymous group of people called Satoshi Nakamoto.
51:59: , put out and said, , here's how to solve all the problems we've had in the past.
52:06: Here's how you create a decentralised peer to peer electronic cash system where people can own their own money just simply by owning what's called a private key.
52:16: And they can spend it to anybody in a peer to peer fashion.
52:20: And there's only ever going to be 21 million Bitcoin, and there ain't a central bank or a government official or anyone in the world that's going to be able to change that unless they've got 95% consensus from the entire group of those that are mining the currency, which is a decentralised way of performing the role of, you know, when the new money is created, it goes to minors and miners have to.
52:45: , invest in significant electricity resources to prove they're doing the work.
52:50: It's called proof of work.
52:51: And in order to ensure that the minors don't go rogue, you have these people that run copies that run copies and validate transactions called node operators, and it's trivially expensive for you to back up every single copy of every single transaction, and as a reward you get to verify your own transactions.
53:13: And so we have hundreds of thousands of copies on the blockchain.
53:17: That's backed up by the world's largest supercomputer that's distributed across America, Canada, UK, Europe, Russia, Iran, Central America, South America, and African regions, European regions, China, various regions across Asia.
53:38: Geographically diversified around the world, where it's now got approximately 735Xa hashes per second.
53:46: What that means without getting too geeky, is these computers verify all the transactions and verify and create blocks by contributing electricity that can process mass problems faster and faster to the point now where 735 quadrillion mass problems are solved every second.
54:07: In order to provide the security to the network so that no government, no central bank, no deep state, no intelligence agency, nobody in the damn world can shut this thing down.
54:20: And it just started and it just has reached that level of security right now.
54:25: Simon, is there a single supercomputer in the world that can come remotely close to being able to keep up with that processing speed to be able to hack the current Bitcoin source code?
54:37: Absolutely not.
54:38: The computer power does not exist because this is the largest distributed supercomputer in the world, but as quantum computers exist in order to try and crack.
54:49: The algorithm that is used on the Bitcoin network, which is without getting too geeky, is called 256.
54:56: Then there is a mechanism built into Bitcoin where if 95% of the node operators and the miners and the users decide that they would like to fork that open source code by implementing code that anybody can code review.
55:14: And it decides to implement quantum resistant cryptography.
55:19: And then at the time that the community decides with 95 consensus that it needs to switch from SAR 256 to quantum resistant cryptography so that it's impossible to guess any of those keys because that level of computer power will exist in the future, then we've already done that because in 2017, and on multiple occasions, the community decided that they wanted to implement various changes to the code.
55:49: But it's very, very, very, very, very hard to get that consensus, so it only happens when it's mission critical, which is why Bitcoin is essentially classified around the world as property or a commodity because it's much like digital gold where you can't change it.
56:07: No one individual controls it.
56:09: You can't assassinate anyone to take down the network.
56:13: , whilst Satoshi Nakamoto mined about a million bitcoins in the beginning.
56:18: And it's highly likely by my guess of who I think that is, that that person is dead.
56:23: , and even if they did get back those 1 million coins, all they could do is send some of them to an exchange to try and sell them, and that would certainly have an impact in price, but zero impact on the code on the distributed supercomputer.
56:39: And even if it turned out that it was the CIAA and the NSA that created it, it doesn't matter because it's all open source code, open source libraries on the distributed supercomputer with no back door.
56:50: , for any one party to be able to compromise it.
56:54: And every single time anyone that has tried, , they end up getting wrecked.
57:00: , because of the distributed design and so now we have.
57:05: The ability from 2008 to today.
57:09: , and, , I spoke at the very first Bitcoin conference in 2011, wrote the first published book in the world to include Bitcoin in 2011.
57:18: I bought my first Bitcoin at $3.
57:21: , invested in over 100 companies in the industry to try and build out the exchange infrastructure, the wallet infrastructure, all the different companies that make it so much easier to use today than it was when we first started.
57:35: , it's, , yeah, it, we've now have the ability for anyone in the world that has an internet connected device to download a wallet and earn their own money.
57:47: That money can then be sent peer to peer.
57:50: It doesn't need a bank in order to earn that money.
57:52: You can have as many wallets as you want.
57:54: And you can send it to any other person that has a wallet just as easy as sending an email, no matter where they are in the world.
58:02: You can send it, and it requires no central bank or government in order to give you that permission to send that money.
58:09: And there will only ever be 21 million bitcoins with 8 decimal places, so it can go, the price can go as high as it wants, and you'll still be able to use those small units like they're called Satoshi's where it's 0.0 00000 01 Bitcoin.
58:28: , which today is worth like under $1 fractions of cents.
58:33: , you can, , there will only ever be 21 million bitcoins and therefore it created a counter resistance movement to the fiat currency, proof of weapons network, where no matter what people do, no matter how many dollars they print, no matter how many pounds they print, now how many, no matter how many euros they print.
58:54: Every euro, every dollar, every pound that goes into Bitcoin defunds the proof of weapons network, creates a peaceful boycott and resistance, and means that there will never be more than 21 million.
59:07: So every single person in the world, and I can't promise this will happen in the future, but I believe it will.
59:14: Every single person in the world that has bought some Bitcoin every month and ensured that they have more Bitcoin this month than the previous month, and did that every month for 4 years over what's called a halving cycle.
59:28: , they've ended up beating every single asset class that exists in the world today.
59:33: Whether it be real estate, whether it be stocks, whether it be Blackrock, whether it be the mutual funds, whether it be anything.
59:41: Bitcoin has significantly outperformed, which is allowing people to escape the proof of weapons network and create a counter resistance against the system to the point where every bank tried to take this shit down and create their own blockchain.
59:55: They even tried to popularise the word blockchain and say you don't need Bitcoin.
1:00:00: In order to try and make people believe they even use the Silicon Valley network in order to launch over 20,000 pump and dump schemes to confuse you into thinking that there are alternatives to Bitcoin.
1:00:13: They even tried to use the ESG narrative to confuse people into saying all that wasted electricity use proof of stake.
1:00:21: Proof of stake means if you own the coin.
1:00:24: You get to control it and so we can own more points than everybody else.
1:00:28: The same people flying around on private jets and consuming more energy on one flight than the average person uses to operate a car in a year.
1:00:37: They're complaining about energy use of mining Bitcoin.
1:00:41: It's very interesting, right Simon?
1:00:42: The.
1:00:44: And let's not forget how much energy is required in order to maintain the military industrial complex.
1:00:50: They all require artificial intelligence chips now in order to execute genocide as a service in order to run things like lavender.
1:01:00: Which is periodically deciding how do we optimise the maximum amount of Palestinians to kill without the Western world thinking that it's that it's a genocide.
1:01:10: And the AI is choosing which children to kill.
1:01:14: And while the IDF soldiers that are taking prisoners.
1:01:19: And deciding that they want to rape as a mechanism for control, every accusation is a confession.
1:01:27: And then use the media and they were even debating in the Israeli parliament that they want their right to rape, so that they can inflict rape as a mess as a message for don't mess with Israel.
1:01:43: And parliament were debating and many people, they became one of the IDF soldiers became a celebrity for raping.
1:01:52: And putting forward, you know, their ability to rape other children and males.
1:01:59: In order to use it as a power tool and a tool of torture and a tool of torture.
1:02:05: And the Western media doesn't cover a damn thing about it.
1:02:08: In fact, Anthony Blinken lies week after week, and you know what he did this week.
1:02:15: He tried to take credit for creating peace.
1:02:17: He tried to say that genocide Joe.
1:02:20: And Holocaust Harris.
1:02:23: Tried to create peace in the Middle East and they know damn well that the whole thing was a damn lie, and that his grandparents and family were Zionists responsible for creating.
1:02:36: Israel as an intelligence agency operatus in order to have a jurisdiction where they could get away with crime.
1:02:44: He knew, he knows all that.
1:02:45: He knows exactly what it's about and lied every single week.
1:02:51: And so this is the system that we have today.
1:02:55: , that is the proof of weapons network, and Bitcoin is a proof of work, peaceful resistance, allows you to earn your own money without a bank, spend your own money without a government, and have a monetary policy that will never change, no matter what the central bank does.
1:03:10: To the point.
1:03:12: Well The Trump administration recognised that the only way to get the Bitcoin vote is to build a Bitcoin strategic reserve.
1:03:22: And do what El Salvador did.
1:03:25: El Salvador said we will buy one Bitcoin every day until we can free ourselves from the shackles of the International Monetary Fund that use these very same operations like Operation Gladio, in order for America to fund both sides of our civil war.
1:03:41: To create guerrilla movements to topple governments so that they could run the CIA's drug trafficking operations and human trafficking operations at the expense of the Salvadoran people while they lead to the creation of gangs like M16.
1:04:00: That they then blame and say we've got a refugee problem.
1:04:04: Because some of those Salvadorans are fleeing over to America, and America's got an open border, an open border for a very same strategic reason.
1:04:15: Because they want to create these 5th circuits or within America so that if you have a bunch of Iranians that have fled Iran.
1:04:25: Only the people that that don't like the current government will flee to America and then they can create the, the political pressure, and also they can fudge the inflation and employment numbers and they can even use violence in order to take away their documents so they don't even end up leaving America because they're de-documented illegal immigrants.
1:04:46: It's all systemic and built into the system when you follow the money.
1:04:50: You find out how the world works and none of these things are accidental cause our media is captured and it is a propaganda machine.
1:04:59: , and .
1:05:01: All sorts of industries are captured anyway, so.
1:05:05: What happens when you can't beat them, you join them, so America is looking at building a Bitcoin strategic reserve.
1:05:11: Most important thing, there is a current power struggle between Jerome Powell, the head of the Federal Reserve, and Donald Trump, the head of, , the, , the US government as of Monday.
1:05:22: And the US government, the Department of Justice, ended up confiscating approximately 200,000 Bitcoin from a person called Ross Ulbricht who ran a website that allowed people to trade freely online, much like WikiLeaks, where you could leak documents.
1:05:39: People could engage in e-commerce with no censorship, and so ultimately criminals used it in order to sell drugs taken off the street.
1:05:48: And that was very dangerous to the drug trafficking operations because they rely upon violence, and this created a peaceful way for people to purchase drugs online.
1:05:57: I don't endorse that, that's what I'm talking about, but if people are going to participate in drugs, this was the safest way to buy drugs online, and it had a quality score so that you ended up not getting chemicals injected into you and having to accept the shit that someone was giving you in the street and risk being shot in the street.
1:06:15: And by doing it through the dangerous mechanisms of purchasing.
1:06:20: That was a big problem, so they took him out and Trump said that he'd give a presidential pardon on Monday to Ross Ulbricht to take him out of prison after serving 14 years or so, , in prison or something along those lines.
1:06:34: He said that he'd do that on Monday, we shall see.
1:06:37: You think you'll give back any of the Bitcoin that was confiscated from him?
1:06:43: No, because they're being used as strategic reserves for the US government, so Cynthia Lina.
1:06:49: , sorry, has put in a bill that says that America would like to purchase up to 1 million Bitcoin over the Trump administration.
1:06:58: In order to protect itself and gives the actually the treasury the ability if it wanted one day.
1:07:05: , to free itself from the Federal Reserve through Thomas Messi's, , and the Fed bill.
1:07:11: And so, as it currently stands, there is going to be a battle of the egos between Trump and Jerome Powell, that we already saw it when Jerome Powell egotistically after the Trump administration won said that Congress can't fire me, it's illegal, you can't fire me.
1:07:28: You know, you may only have a 4-year term, so I've got my 27 year term or whatever it is.
1:07:33: I think it's a 15 years, 14 year term.
1:07:36: I got my 14 year term.
1:07:39: , and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it, and if you need some money, get Donald Trump and beg.
1:07:45: Because if I want to hike rates, I can destroy the American economy with the flick of a switch in a secret meeting through FOMC we'll publish what you need to know, but it's actually the bank shareholders that get determine the future of your economy.
1:08:00: You think you control the economy, Trump?
1:08:03: If I want to put rates up, you know what I'm gonna do?
1:08:06: I'm gonna put rates down despite the fact that inflation is still a thing.
1:08:10: And we're gonna make it where you're getting addicted to the economy doing well.
1:08:14: You're gonna get your little GDP number and you're gonna get to tell the world that the stock market did really well.
1:08:22: But if you don't do as we say, I'm gonna hike rates just like we did for Biden in 2022.
1:08:28: What do we do in 2022?
1:08:31: We decided that we tell the world, we decided that the world.
1:08:36: is not suffering inflation, and we told everybody inflation is transitory.
1:08:40: , we then had an environment of NATO expansion for the last decade that they knew was going to aggravate Putin because Putin was begging, , for.
1:08:53: The agreements that led to the end of the Cold War and the Cold War to be upheld and Ukraine to be a neutral zone and for NATO to stop expanding and stop requiring more and more money to be spent into the American military industrial complex and the British military industrial complex and the German military industrial complex doing the bidding for the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, and the Federal Reserve.
1:09:20: And so they aggravated the war.
1:09:23: That led to the begging of that led to the sanctions.
1:09:28: The sanctions would then be fired.
1:09:30: That would lead to a massive hike in oil.
1:09:33: What's the oil doing right now?
1:09:34: It's gone up to 81 cents a barrel because the Biden administration in its final days is saying we're going to inflict more aggressive sanctions upon Russia, pushing the price of oil up.
1:09:46: He had to then go begging to NBS in Saudi Arabia and say, can you flood the market with some oil to get that price down?
1:09:54: And NBS said, no, you didn't help us when the Houthis, , started to resist and as part of their sanctions, they blew up some of our oil fields.
1:10:07: You didn't help with that.
1:10:09: You actually made us fight a covert war and you made us kill in Yemen all the children, and we had to do a blockade on our own.
1:10:17: You just did it by proxy, we wanted you, America, to come bring your troops and kill your troops.
1:10:22: You know what we're gonna do, Biden?
1:10:25: We're going to actually hike the price of oil because it's going to help Russia and then Russia's going to have more money, and with that money it can then enter into a strategic agreement with Iran and it can start providing more oil at a higher price to China in order to fuel the Chinese economy, and we'll just sit back and negotiate while America blows up.
1:10:47: And what happened?
1:10:48: America started getting inflation, and that inflation from the money printing that was created from COVID ended up causing lots of problems.
1:11:00: So the Fed says, all right, we'll show you who's boss, we'll start hiking rates.
1:11:06: We'll control inflation for you.
1:11:08: We'll start hiking rates, and what happened, the banks then needed to sell off the treasuries.
1:11:14: And people were like, Well, if you're paying us higher interest rates, I'm going to have to sell those old interest rates.
1:11:20: And I tell you what, the Feds Jerome Powell then called up his buddy and said, Hey, Peter Thiel, Peter, go on Mario Naffar's space and tell everyone that you're withdrawing your money from Silicon Valley Bank.
1:11:35: And tell all the other people in Silicon Valley that they should withdraw their money from Silicon Valley Bank.
1:11:41: Yes, sir.
1:11:42: Peter Thiel came up on Marina our space and said, withdraw.
1:11:46: I'm withdrawing my money from Silicon Valley Bank.
1:11:49: Holy shit, mass withdrawals, billions of dollars of withdrawals.
1:11:52: We don't have enough money because it's a fractional reserve system.
1:11:56: Let's call FDIC.
1:11:57: FDIC ain't got any money for us, the Fed.
1:12:00: Are you going to be the lender of last resort?
1:12:01: No, we're not going to be the lender of last resort.
1:12:03: OK, we need to sell our treasuries.
1:12:06: Those treasuries that are now paying higher interest rates for the newly created treasuries, we're gonna have to sell them at a discount.
1:12:12: The Treasury market starts crashing.
1:12:14: When the Treasury market starts crashing, we can no longer meet demand for withdrawals.
1:12:19: And guess what?
1:12:20: Silicon Valley Bank.
1:12:22: Then said We need some money, we're not gonna be able to meet withdrawals.
1:12:27: They said, OK, let's wait till next week.
1:12:31: The Federal Reserve then calls up Bill Ackman, Hey, Bill, Bill, , go up on Marian Nafar's base.
1:12:37: And tell everyone that if the government does not bankrupt, not backstop the entire banking system, we're going to create a global financial crisis like 2008 and go tell them that you and all your buddies will bail out Silicon Valley Bank through a syndicate of Silicon Valley people.
1:12:57: , as long as the government backstops the whole system.
1:13:01: And so Bill Ackman says, yes, sir.
1:13:04: Bill Atman comes up on Mario Mario Naau's space and says, Hey, everybody, the entire banking system is going to crash and every American is going to lose all their money if the government does not underwrite the system and the Federal Reserve does not come up with a tool right now in order to be the lender of last resort for all these banks.
1:13:24: And by the way, make sure you lend some money to JP Morgan so they can acquire any banks that you want to go down.
1:13:31: And they call up BlackRock, and BlackRock says, OK, the algorithm, Aladdin says these banks are going to go down.
1:13:38: These are the crypto-friendly banks.
1:13:40: Take out Signature, take out, , Silvergate, take out, , maybe Cross River, or maybe that can be accumulative, but certainly take out Silicon Valley Bank and make sure it goes through here.
1:13:53: Boom.
1:13:54: Suddenly, the three banks that the Federal Reserve wants to take out are taken out.
1:13:59: FDIC takes over, and they said, right, now it's time to expose, you know, that implant SPF that we put and allowed that company called FDX, you know, the one that was borrowing all the money from the Bank of Japan in order to do the Bitcoin carry trade so that it could sell Bitcoin at a higher rate to South Koreans through the kimchi premium.
1:14:21: Yeah, that guy.
1:14:22: , let's expose his scam.
1:14:25: He sat down with Gary Ginzler at the SEC, no one else from the crypto industries is allowed to speak to Gary Ginzler.
1:14:31: And so Gary Ganza.
1:14:34: , the only person he met was SPF said, yeah, don't worry, I'll sue Coinbase.
1:14:39: I'll soon, I'll, I'll sue all the other companies, I won't have any meetings with them.
1:14:43: Remember what he did to Binance?
1:14:48: And exchange in the world.
1:14:50: What do you do the CZ?
1:14:53: Yes, so Binance was obviously a, a, a Chinese exchange, , and then it had to become a Japan exchange after the Bank of Japan came after it, then it had to become an international exchange.
1:15:05: , but they said, look, we'll find you 47 billion.
1:15:09: For taking out FTX and these money laundering that you've been engaged with because there were certain accounts that you allowed and you didn't have the correct licences in the US.
1:15:20: But don't worry, you're not going to get the maximum sentence that SPF got and don't worry, with SPF, we're going to give him 7 counts, but you know the ones around political corruption and all that money that went to Ukraine and all that money that happened to politically bribeboard the campaign financing.
1:15:37: And the connections to the Epstein network.
1:15:40: Don't worry, those are my solid operations.
1:15:41: We won't investigate any of those, but we will investigate everything else and do the 7 counts, the two other charges you don't need to worry about, and we'll also make sure that Binance comes in.
1:15:52: But CZ, don't worry, don't worry.
1:15:54: We'll give you 4 months in prison.
1:15:56: That's all you need to serve.
1:15:58: But you're no longer CEO of Binance, and guess what?
1:16:01: You know that compliance team?
1:16:02: Satha is now the US government.
1:16:05: 250 million accounts, please hand over all the data to the IRS so that we can make sure that we get all the tax records that we need globally.
1:16:14: And make sure that now we take on the KYC so that Binance can come an agent for the US government immediately when the genocide starts.
1:16:25: Oh, by the way, anyone that's got is Arab that has an account with Binance, you're going to get a letter from the Israeli government, and the Israeli government is going to tell you whether you can have your money or not.
1:16:37: And so you have to all apply, and if you happen to be connected with anything, then we can use your account, the funds that you held at your account, as a weapon of mass destruction alongside the genocide, alongside the starvation.
1:16:51: And make sure that you can't access even the crypto because you did not put it in a private wallet and you left it with Binance instead.
1:17:00: At an exchange, and the exchange is just another bank.
1:17:03: Nobody's immutable from the system unless you're holding your Bitcoin in self custody.
1:17:08: If you're holding it with Binance, then Binance can get pushed into the system.
1:17:13: CZ didn't want to do any of this, I can tell you that, but he got his, he only got his 4 months in prison, and the US government got everything it want, and Israel started inflicting its policy in order to starve Palestinians and Arab people that wanted to.
1:17:28: , have access to their funds.
1:17:32: Well anyway, they crashed the system.
1:17:34: And then BlackRock came along and said, Hey, SEC, do you want to just issue me that licence now?
1:17:42: I can get everyone to own their Bitcoin and we'll hold it in custody for them.
1:17:47: We'll stop them holding it in custody, we don't want to have freedom.
1:17:51: And You know, we'll make sure that we buy the Bitcoin for them.
1:17:56: And, , the, the STC said, yeah, all right.
1:18:00: Here's your licence.
1:18:00: Yes, sir, the ETF is now approved.
1:18:03: And Black Rock said, yeah, we couldn't beat them, so we're joining them.
1:18:07: , and, , and now move over to the Trump administration.
1:18:12: And Trump administration, you can be, you can be pro crypto, you can be pro Bitcoin.
1:18:16: We're OK with the industry right now, we'll make sure we get as many that own their Bitcoin through BlackRock.
1:18:23: , and, , we took out the crypto-friendly banks.
1:18:28: And operation executed.
1:18:30: We can get back to the game of pretending that inflation isn't an issue anymore.
1:18:34: You get your beautiful economy and your GDP, and Trump, if you don't do as I say, make sure that you tell everyone that if you're assassinated, it's Iran's fault because Israel wants regime change with Iran, so make sure that MAGA are weaponized in order to believe that Iran's the enemy.
1:18:51: , and, , if for any reason, doesn't, , give us the military industrial expenditure that we need for the NATO expansion.
1:19:03: Then, yeah, we can assassinate him.
1:19:06: And if he gets assassinated, just make sure you blame Iran so that Israel wins either way.
1:19:13: And there we are, where we are today.
1:19:16: , so how do you fight back?
1:19:20: You don't own your Bitcoin through BlackRock.
1:19:23: Fortunately, Satoshi Nakamoto had massive foresight.
1:19:26: He said, we're not going to go for the CIO for proof of sake.
1:19:30: We're not gonna have it where whoever owns the coin controls the coin for environmental reasons.
1:19:36: We're actually going to create an industry.
1:19:39: Where it's backed by the largest amount of electricity, and miners can actually use innovation where they can repurpose that electricity to manage grids in Texas and various other things and create a global energy play.
1:19:52: So that anyone that wants to run open source artificial intelligence, we can provide data centres that also manage Bitcoin mining at the same time and repurpose electricity while providing the most valuable service the world could ever be given the ability to earn your own money, spend your own money, and fight back against the inflation of the Federal Reserve.
1:20:14: But everyone else will put them on proof of stake because With the Bitcoin ETF we can't control it, so at least we can benefit from it financially.
1:20:23: But with the Ethereum ETF we can make sure we get all those stakes.
1:20:28: And then eventually we can build a network of central bank digital currencies, and we can make sure that we control that network in a new neo version of the creature from Jekyll Island 2.0 where they all get some DI but we control the stakes, and because it's proof of stake, we get to decide the future of the network as we move over towards tokenization, central bank digital currencies.
1:20:54: , and stablecoins, and if BlackRock wants to push for stablecoins, it can wipe out the entire banking system in one fell swoop.
1:21:03: And if it turns out that it's a battle between the central bank digital currency and the stablecoin, We can wipe out the banks and everybody can have it replaced, and they can download their application, and there's not a damn thing they can do with it unless they're protected by Bitcoin.
1:21:21: But any money they got in a bank, we can ask them to swap it for that CBDC.
1:21:27: And then they'll agree to the terms and conditions, and we can inflict occupation as a service that we're currently beta testing in Gaza.
1:21:34: You know, the blowing up exploding devices that we beta tested on Hezbollah.
1:21:40: You know, the, , we'll give them a little bit of freedom of speech where they can say whatever they want, but we'll make sure that the algorithm and KYC is going back to Israel as we did with Elon Musk.
1:21:53: He started talking about pro-Palestinians.
1:21:55: We had to get him over to Auschwitz and we immediately had to co-opt the app X to say, you tell them it's all a freedom of speech platform.
1:22:05: We'll take away their freedom of reach if they're saying the wrong thing.
1:22:08: But we'll allow them to talk so that we can then use the algorithm and create a social credit score and then you can launch your financial institution.
1:22:16: And Trump will launch a coin too.
1:22:19: We'll get him to launch something.
1:22:21: , and .
1:22:23: You can launch a meme coin.
1:22:25: 80% of the coin will be controlled by those that created it.
1:22:29: 10% is available for anyone that wants to purchase it.
1:22:33: And immediately we've created a $27 billion network over the last 24 hours.
1:22:41: 48 hours before the next president of the United States starts work on Monday.
1:22:48: And we've now made the mega crews slightly rich by allowing them to be inflation.
1:22:55: We get any Bitcoin held through BlackRock.
1:22:59: And if we want to control Trump, We hike rates and we control who the next President of the United States is by doing exactly what we did to Biden at the opportune moment.
1:23:11: And the whole world has got more and more centralised.
1:23:14: The price of oil is determined by the kingdom, the moniker, the monarch in MBS.
1:23:21: There is a kind of fiat currency resistance movements with BRICS splitting the world into the global North and global South.
1:23:29: America at some point will no longer be useful.
1:23:31: The Federal Reserve will just say, we'll rinse the dollar for as long as it's useful, but eventually it will move to de-dollarization when there's a civil war within America because the rich are richer and the poor are getting poorer.
1:23:44: And at that stage we can just do what we did with England.
1:23:47: We can move the world into World War II.
1:23:50: And, , and then we can plan the next transition, , to our central bank digital currencies and hey, you know what?
1:23:58: We may not even need humans at that point.
1:24:00: We may not even need an army.
1:24:02: We may have enough electricity from natural gas in Lebanon, in Gaza explorations.
1:24:10: We may have enough oil from regime change in Iran.
1:24:13: And we may have our nukes that are now declared because we got them to normalised through the Abraham Accords.
1:24:22: And Trump can say that he solved all the Middle Eastern problems.
1:24:26: He can say that he reversed, you know, the, the escalations to another Cold War.
1:24:33: , and maybe, just maybe, the fall of the empire can be blamed on Trump.
1:24:38: And we can relaunch an artificial intelligence central bank digital currency using data centres that Israel stole from Silicon Valley by co-opting all of the brain drain, , that was implemented, and if we ever want to take the country out.
1:24:54: We just use open borders.
1:24:56: We could just use open borders to create an internal civil war, and everybody's already pumped into thinking.
1:25:02: That the Muslims want to chop their heads off, take away their freedom.
1:25:06: And so we can use that in order to get the regime change in Iran that we want.
1:25:11: That brings us to where we are today.
1:25:15: And next week is the Trump administration.
1:25:19: And as I said, I don't think he's neocon.
1:25:23: I know he's pro-Zionists.
1:25:25: But I don't know the extent to which you have to be pro Zionist versus not, and everybody, you know, , the one thing that I do think is great.
1:25:34: Is That I think the world is more educated.
1:25:38: I don't think everyone's falling for the psyops at the scale they were.
1:25:43: But I do believe that MAGA is a tool that is meant to be weaponized for whatever the agenda is, and we need to see through it, we need to hold our our leaders to account.
1:25:52: , and .
1:25:56: I guess we didn't even really talk about Bitcoin tree, if you got me going on all this stuff.
1:26:01: But I, I'd like to discuss the Trump meme coin actually, and what do you think the significance of the timing is, is showing it two days before the inauguration and watching this ridiculous.
1:26:13: Rise, just meteoric rise in just less than 24 hours, which just seems completely absurd to me.
1:26:19: And you also mentioned the the tokenomics, that's quite significant.
1:26:23: I didn't realise that only 10% of the float has been issued to the public, and 10%, I guess, you know, special interests, and 80% is just being withheld essentially, so they can crush it any time they want.
1:26:35: OK, where, where do you see this going?
1:26:39: So a question on the timing, 2 days before the inauguration, and then 2, where do you see, where do you see it going?
1:26:45: Can you hear me?
1:26:46: I can.
1:26:46: Welcome back.
1:26:47: OK, cool.
1:26:48: Yeah, I got taken out.
1:26:50: , all we did was ask questions about Trump's meme coin.
1:26:54: We're trying to help out over here.
1:26:55: Hey, tell us, tell us how great it is, Simon, or do you think it's great?
1:26:59: You mentioned the tokenomics, which is incredible.
1:27:01: That's, that's even worse than XRP.
1:27:03: I didn't realise it was 80% with.
1:27:05: That's insane.
1:27:07: But then this meteoric rise within 24 hours.
1:27:09: I mean, I've seen some crazy meme coins spike like that, but this is unprecedented.
1:27:15: What are your thoughts on Trump's meme coin?
1:27:16: Will it last and the timing two days before the inauguration?
1:27:19: What do you think?
1:27:21: Yeah, I think, , I think this is an indication of the ride that we've got ahead.
1:27:26: So, , I do believe that this is going to be the most pro-crypto Bitcoin administration America has ever seen, because obviously all the people are lined up.
1:27:38: The banks have got their ability for what they want to do with the industry.
1:27:42: They want to do Bitcoin backed lending so they can persuade you to leave your Bitcoin with them and then they can issue you a fiat currency loan against your Bitcoin.
1:27:51: And they've got Bank of New York, Mellon and Co.
1:27:53: with the custodians, and then they got Blackrock and Fidelity and all the power brokers as the, as the ETF providers.
1:28:01: So there's enough of a foundation for America to try and get as much as they can.
1:28:08: , and alongside that, , Trump says, well, I don't control Bitcoin, so he's just doing what everyone does in crypto.
1:28:17: When they don't own enough Bitcoin yet, they create their own token.
1:28:22: , and then they use that as a mechanism for building something else that eventually leads to them having more Bitcoin.
1:28:30: And this is what's happened like for the last probably 1314 years since I've been involved in Bitcoin.
1:28:36: Anybody that doesn't end up with enough Bitcoin because they can't create it, they create their own token so that they can end up and try and make up with the position of Bitcoin, , that they didn't have.
1:28:47: So if you look at it so far, I think he get, , I think whoever created, , the token, , I think they've got.
1:28:57: I, I don't know if that's, he's, he's like the cryptocar, I don't know who actually created it.
1:29:02: So they've, they've created this cryptosar of America and a team of people.
1:29:06: They're going to ensure that crypto, , as much crypto happens in America, so they're even saying like, yeah, this is like, , Ripple Labs is an American company that owns the largest amount of XRP tokens.
1:29:22: And so they're getting incentives for building in America, and Solana is a is a centralised company of Americans.
1:29:30: So he launched it on Solana to support industries that are building in America, which is a natural thing.
1:29:38: There's no, you know, nothing wrong with that.
1:29:39: That's a natural way of doing it, but it helps you understand the difference between Bitcoin and those coins because they're connected with people and if people are no longer in political favour.
1:29:49: , or they become strategically important to the, to the agenda.
1:29:53: They become a part of the deep state.
1:29:55: That's how it always works.
1:29:57: , but anyway, yeah, , so it's built upon Solana because of the, the Solana connection and the centralization of Savanna.
1:30:06: , and the , yeah, and so basically they, they launched it, , surprised everyone.
1:30:15: , I don't think anyone knew about it.
1:30:18: , and there was just a massive inflow of capital at what was called the crypto ball, which was a, a ball last night with all the, the people in the Bitcoin and crypto industry that were, , part of the American vision, becoming more, , the centre of, , crypto and Bitcoin.
1:30:36: , And yeah, it went from a 200, I think it was like launched $20 million or so.
1:30:45: , and went up to a $27 billion market cap fully diluted.
1:30:50: 10% was released, 10% available.
1:30:55: , for those that are purchasing it, so you can purchase it with crowd and various other things.
1:31:00: And then 80% is held by the project owners, and I don't think anyone knows who the project owners are exactly.
1:31:09: , and, , that's gonna, that's to a, , a lock-in schedule that's released over the next 3 years.
1:31:16: So it's kind of done the Ripple Labs model, but 80% rather than, , 60%, which is what Ripple Labs did.
1:31:23: And it's, it's fitting that you see the picture with Trump and Brad Golinghouse from Ripple, , because I think Brad told Trump the strategy, , and, , the XRD lobby.
1:31:37: , maybe said, yeah, this is, this would be a good idea.
1:31:40: So he did it right before he probably can't do it.
1:31:43: I really don't know the rules around whether a president can launch a token or not, , but clearly there was a reason why he had to do it before.
1:31:51: And the inauguration on Monday.
1:31:54: , and this is just an indication that.
1:31:59: There is going to be an absolute frenzy towards pro crypto regulations.
1:32:06: A more of a free market, a change of leadership in the SEC.
1:32:11: And because all the crypto lobby groups are very influential people right now, , you know, I think we're going to see an absolutely wild, , few years as America tries to do as much as it strategically can in building its Bitcoin strategic reserves and becoming, , a centre and a hub for looking after its Silicon Valley buddies that create all these pre-mid crypto tokens.
1:32:39: , in order to dump onto a retail and hopefully make some retail be able to fight back against it, but, you know, these things are, they're ultra ultra speculative.
1:32:49: There's Bitcoin and then there's speculation.
1:32:52: And so people try to use Bitcoin to protect themselves from the shitcoin dollar.
1:32:56: And then crypto people that miss Bitcoin try to use crypto in order to end up with more Bitcoin is generally the progression and journey that people go through.
1:33:06: , and so they try to catch up because some of these things can just go absolutely wild, but Trump has now created the most successful, , meme coin in history in terms of speed to becoming a top 20.
1:33:23: And you know, it was already.
1:33:26: , what, 1/3 of the market cap of the most successful one in the world that was created like 14 years ago, Dogecoin.
1:33:35: Don't know what to say about it other than that, it is what it is, .
1:33:41: You know, a lot of people have made a lot of money.
1:33:44: Who did it come at the expense of everyone that owned all the other meme coins and shit coins, , cos immediately it, it sucked up all the liquidity of everybody selling everything apart from Bitcoin.
1:33:56: In order to and and Solana, in order to buy the the Trump meme coin and it sucked up all the liquidity.
1:34:06: And get ready for a wild ride.
1:34:09: There is a meme coin that's connected to everything that Trump does now and a MAA community, they're going to be wild advocates and I think a lot of new people that that have onboarded into, into the community love it, hate it, think it's a scam, say whatever you want.
1:34:27: , there are going to be so many of these things happening now and this industry is just.
1:34:35: Like the crypto industry in general after this.
1:34:38: , I, I, I think people under they will not, they can't estimate what I think comes next in terms of.
1:34:46: , Trump has already shown he doesn't care about the rules, he's just going to do what he wants to do.
1:34:52: And and he wants to, I think it's gonna be a free market, to be honest.
1:34:57: A free market for all the scams and all the problems and all the things that come with it, but freedom to choose, which is .
1:35:05: You know, we never needed the regulators to protect us in the first place because they never did.
1:35:10: They just protected.
1:35:11: The vested interest and so it's all up to us to call things out.
1:35:16: When there's rug pools, we need to tell each other, we need to educate each other as much as possible, , but anyone's going to be able to do anything, including the President of the United States launching a, a pre-in.
1:35:31: , main coin.
1:35:33: Will this set a precedent for other politicians and people in positions of power, particularly those that are supposed to, well, serve as gatekeepers or even, you know, regulators in this case.
1:35:44: I know Trump himself isn't a regulator, but he's a politician, and wouldn't this be considered like an outside business activity that's it should be held in some kind of blind trust.
1:35:55: I wouldn't think, isn't this set a bad precedent for other politicians, and I know they already engaged in insider trading rules for thee, not for me.
1:36:02: They already break all the laws anyway, but it's just so in your face now.
1:36:06: They don't even care.
1:36:08: Yeah, , and, , get used to it.
1:36:12: Like, so, you know, we're all gonna have to be, you know, it, the, the market's moving towards a you do what you want to do, but you have to be held accountable and responsible for your actions as long as people hold you accountable to it.
1:36:27: So, you know, it's a, it's a wild, it's a wild world, and yes, I do think it's gonna be.
1:36:34: Ah a president that set a president.
1:36:38: , and I do think this is, this is, this has changed the game.
1:36:42: We always knew this would happen.
1:36:44: , there was always rampant speculation that every celebrity would have their own coin and various other things, and it kept happening.
1:36:51: , but you know, , I, I, I think a lot of people are gonna see this as a green light.
1:36:58: And then eventually there'll be some mass corruption.
1:37:02: In political financing.
1:37:05: , but I just think we're we're hitting a stage right now where regulations won't be able to keep up with innovation.
1:37:13: And I think the regulators are going to have to hire artificial intelligence to try and keep up with the regulations, and then the artificial intelligence is going to disrupt the regulators.
1:37:23: Even the central bank digital currencies, I think AI is gonna.
1:37:28: Can I do it better than humans.
1:37:30: And so we, we are entering into this world where.
1:37:34: I think innovation is moving faster than any type of regulation.
1:37:39: And that's going to hit a point of inflexion and a point of singularity.
1:37:44: So everything's on the game now, so I just think everyone.
1:37:48: Has got like this, the the next administration from here.
1:37:52: I just think so much is gonna change over this administration.
1:37:56: I, I can't even guess, but I know that people need Bitcoin to protect themselves.
1:38:01: And I know that people need to really figure out what what they're going to do to break this cycle.
1:38:07: , cuz we're going for some rapid disruption.
1:38:12: , and, , America is going to, I think as of next week, I, I, I really think there's gonna be a real big load of change if there is ever an opportunity.
1:38:25: , to change things on a scale for good or for bad.
1:38:30: This is the time, and this is it, and, and then eventually we're going to find out what AI looks like after this.
1:38:37: So a separate question for you.
1:38:39: With this type of precedent set with Trump and you thinking that, , well, now anything anything's possible now, another politician, celebrity could also issue a meme coin and it will attract just maybe even more.
1:38:52: , momentum and investors investing in it.
1:38:56: Do you think this is possibly a scheme just to get people to sell some of the Bitcoin profits so that these powers that be can then, , will take you know the profits from, you know.
1:39:07: Well, not just the profits, but, , whatever, you know, scheme, new meme coin that's out there, you know, they'll eventually rug pull it, and you obviously take that money and then buy more Bitcoin with it so they can gradually accumulate more Bitcoin over time.
1:39:19: Is this just one among many scams they have in mind to try to steal your Bitcoin?
1:39:24: That some people genuinely believe in alternatives to Bitcoin, and there are communities that are like Solana first or Ethereum first or Cardano first or XRP first.
1:39:34: There are those people, but the vast majority are just trying to find a way to end up with Bitcoin.
1:39:40: They either want dollars or Bitcoin, right?
1:39:42: Bro, if you're, if you're on the wrong side of the proof of weapons network.
1:39:46: You're living month to month and you can barely find enough money to pay your rent and so even when you're onto a winner after 2 months, you have to sell your position just to pay your dollar liability.
1:39:57: That's the vast majority of people.
1:40:00: The wealthy people involved, they just are finding their way of accumulating as much Bitcoin as possible.
1:40:06: And then there is a smaller percentage that maybe don't really believe in Bitcoin and believe that they can.
1:40:14: And they will eventually discover, as everyone does, that eventually You know, the coins change every single year, but Bitcoin's the only one that that reliably survives the bear markets and the bull markets for all the reasons that we've covered.
1:40:30: So yes, I think for a large number of people launching coins to end up with more Bitcoin has been the largest use case of these old coins so far.