Is Trump’s World Liberty a Crypto Scam? Are UK & US escalating us to WW3?

Sep 14, 2024

In Episode 55 of #BitcoinHardTalk, we tackled one of the most controversial announcements of the Trump administration: Donald Trump’s next move into the crypto space with the launch of World Liberty Financial. What does this mean for his Bitcoin credibility and political future?

As someone who has spent two decades navigating the worlds of Bitcoin, banking, and macroeconomics, I have witnessed countless “innovations” in the financial space that promise to revolutionize banking, but lead to disastrous consequences. World Liberty Financial might be no different—it could either be a masterstroke that shakes up the system if it uses Bitcoin with the right governance structure, or, more likely, a ticking crypto time bomb..

Is World Liberty Financial a Scam or the Next Big Thing?

When the announcement first hit that Trump, with his sons Eric, Donald Jr., and Barron, was launching a crypto platform, my immediate reaction was one of scepticism. The idea that Trump, a man who has flirted with both pro- and anti-Bitcoin rhetoric, redeemed himself at Bitcoin 2024 and then joined forces with RFK, who truly understands Bitcoin, now launching a crypto platform, feels like a dramatic and contradictory flip-flop.. But what does World Liberty Financial truly represent?

The project is being pitched as a DeFi (decentralized finance) platform with self-custody, borrowing, lending, and token-based investments. But the biggest red flag is the alleged 70% pre-mined token allocation for insiders. This is eerily similar to Ripple’s SEC case, where it was ruled that institutional sales of tokens had to comply with securities law. Trump’s platform is walking a tightrope over a regulatory minefield.

I’ve seen countless projects that make big promises, only to end in disaster when the SEC and regulators come knocking. Trump’s platform may well face similar scrutiny, especially with its alleged intention to raise over $540 million via a token sale. There’s a high risk that this project will be targeted by authorities, and if it goes down, it could take a significant chunk of Trump’s political capital with it.

It also raises the question: which crypto lobbyist might be influencing this decision, given that Trump began raising campaign finance in both crypto and Bitcoin?

Why This Could Backfire on Trump…

Trump’s new entry into the crypto space at the same time as running for president of the United States might alienate many in the Bitcoin community, a space that has been fiercely independent and resistant to centralized control through crypto rather than simply using Bitcoin. By launching his own token, Trump risks being seen as yet another opportunist capitalizing on the fake decentralized finance craze, potentially undermining his political brand as a so-called populist fighting against the elites.

What’s more troubling is the timing. This platform’s success may become inextricably linked to Trump’s political fate. If his World Liberty Financial token crashes, it could be used as political ammunition against him during his presidential campaign, much like Facebook’s Libra project, which was shut down by regulators before it ever got off the ground.

As I have always advocated, the only truly decentralized and secure financial system is Bitcoin. This is why the Bitcoin Wealth Builder Program was created—to help people build and protect their Bitcoin wealth in a world of increasing financial instability. Trump’s move into DeFi, while potentially profitable for some, carries enormous risks for both his political career and the wider financial system.

The Right Strategy for Financial Freedom

The Bitcoin community presented this strategy to RFK, and I developed it further based on my experience working with countries, which I've shared with you all on my podcast: a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Asset for the U.S. to free itself from the Federal Reserve’s grip and restructure the economy for true financial independence. Unfortunately, Trump’s move seems like a complete distraction from this well-established strategy. Instead of focusing on a decentralized solution for monetary freedom, Trump’s platform risks becoming yet another example of how centralized financial innovation can go wrong and is not decentralised.

It’s critical that we stay focused on the bigger picture. Bitcoin remains the only tried and tested decentralized financial system that cannot be controlled by insiders or governments. We must continue to advocate for Bitcoin as the foundation of a new financial system that empowers individuals rather than enriching elites.

The UK, US, Russia, and Ukraine: A Geopolitical Crisis

But that’s not all—this week saw significant geopolitical developments with a Russia-UK escalation within the Ukrainian-US proxy war. The episode highlights how both US and UK leaders are playing a dangerous game by meeting to approve long-range missiles to be fired into Russia. Putin made it clear that this could mean war with NATO, and the escalation of tensions is moving us closer to a direct conflict. The episode draws attention to how the military-industrial complex, backed by the Bank of England and Federal Reserve, is expanding NATO's influence while deepening global conflict. The only way to achieve peace, I argue, is through understanding and exposing the truth.

While Trump’s crypto venture grabs headlines, we must not overlook the significant geopolitical developments involving the UK, US, Russia, Israel, Iran, Palestine and Ukraine this week. The Fiat currency system, which I’ve referred to as the 'proof of weapons network,' is in full steam, with central banks funding these wars through massive debts, and countries like the UK and US continuing to escalate the situation. Protecting your wealth through decentralized systems like Bitcoin has never been more critical. Consider joining the Bitcoin Wealth Builder Program to build and protect  your Bitcoin wealth.


Timestamps for #BitcoinHardTalk Episode 55:

0:00 - 2:00 Introduction to Episode 55: Big Topics Ahead
2:00 - 5:00 The Proof of Weapons Network and NATO's War Moves
5:00 - 8:00 Trump’s Crypto Launch: A Dangerous Move?
8:00 - 12:00 World Liberty Financial: Trump’s Sons and the Token Plan
12:00 - 15:00 Lessons from Past Crypto Scams
15:00 - 18:00 70% Token Ownership: A Centralization Problem
18:00 - 22:00 Ripple Labs Case Parallels with Trump’s Project
22:00 - 25:00 Potential Legal Issues: SEC and Token Sales
25:00 - 30:00 Impact of Token Economics on the Financial System
30:00 - 35:00 Stablecoins and Their Role in Trump's Plan
35:00 - 40:00 Key Risks in Wrapped Bitcoin and Ethereum
40:00 - 45:00 Market Manipulation Concerns with Political Connections
45:00 - 50:00 Strategic Reserve Assets: A Better Solution
50:00 - 55:00 Lessons from El Salvador’s Bitcoin Strategy
55:00 - 1:00:00 The Role of Bitcoin in the New Financial System
1:00:00 - 1:05:00 Inflation, Debt, and the Global Economic Shift
1:05:00 - 1:10:00 The Rise of BRICS and Global De-dollarization
1:10:00 - 1:15:00 Turkey Joins BRICS: A NATO Country’s New Path
1:15:00 - 1:20:00 Saudi Arabia and the Petro-Yuan Strategy
1:20:00 - 1:25:00 Bitcoin: The Path to Freedom from Central Banks
1:25:00 - 1:30:00 The Weaponization of Sanctions and Global Consequences
1:30:00 - 1:35:00 The UK, Russia, and Ukraine: The Geopolitical Impact on Bitcoin
1:35:00 - 1:40:00 Free Speech, Propaganda, and the Truth About Power
1:40:00 - 1:45:00 Historical Parallels: Lessons from 9/11 and Other Wars
1:45:00 - 1:50:00 The Path to Peace: Diplomacy and Bitcoin


Call to Action: Protect Your Bitcoin Wealth

In light of everything we’ve discussed, I firmly believe that Bitcoin is our best hope for financial sovereignty. As governments and central banks continue to consolidate power through mechanisms like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), Bitcoin stands as a decentralized alternative, giving power back to the people. This is why I’ve dedicated myself to helping individuals build and protect their Bitcoin wealth through my Bitcoin Wealth Builder Program, launching in February 2025.

If you want to safeguard your wealth from the growing risks of centralized financial systems, I encourage you to apply for the Bitcoin Wealth Builder Program today. This step-by-step roadmap is designed to help you become a High-Net-Worth Bitcoin investor, allowing you to take control of your financial destiny in an increasingly centralized world.

And if you want to stay ahead of the curve, join my BitcoinHardTalk Membership Portal. As a member, you’ll receive my weekly newsletter, gain access to exclusive content like my 4-part video series: The Great Depression of the 2020s, and dive deep into discussions on Bitcoin, macroeconomics, and geopolitics.



The content shared in this blog post and the associated episode of #BitcoinHardTalk reflects the personal views and analysis of Simon Dixon. It examines the potential implications of Trump’s World Liberty Financial platform and broader geopolitical developments, including the UK, US, Russia, and Ukraine tensions. The opinions expressed are based on publicly available information, independent research, and personal experience. This blog encourages readers to critically evaluate official narratives and explore potential risks, while approaching these discussions with sensitivity given the complexity of the subject matter.

This blog addresses topics that may be politically or financially controversial, such as cryptocurrency regulations, political implications, and the actions of public figures like Donald Trump and world governments. It is essential to emphasize that these discussions are not intended as attacks on any individual, group, or entity. Rather, they are part of a broader conversation on cryptocurrency, financial markets, and geopolitical issues. The blog does not advocate for hate, discrimination, or violence against any group or individual, and any such interpretation is contrary to its intent.

The blog and the associated #BitcoinHardTalk Episode 55 are provided for educational purposes only. The goal is to foster critical thinking, open dialogue, and informed discussion about the evolving cryptocurrency landscape and its potential impacts on financial systems, global politics, and public figures. The views expressed are those of Simon Dixon and do not necessarily represent the positions of other individuals, companies, or organizations mentioned in the content. The blog should not be interpreted as defamatory, inflammatory, or accusatory but rather as an invitation to explore different perspectives on complex issues.

Readers should consider the nuanced nature of the topics discussed, particularly when dealing with sensitive political and financial matters. The blog and its content are not endorsements of unlawful activities or calls for illegal behavior. This blog complies with all relevant legal frameworks, including but not limited to financial regulations, sanctions, anti-money laundering (AML) laws, and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) protocols. Readers are advised to be aware of their own jurisdiction’s laws and to act within legal boundaries.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize that cryptocurrency, fiat currency transactions, and decentralized finance activities may be subject to regulatory scrutiny. Discussions of Bitcoin, alternative financial systems, or decentralized finance in this blog are not meant to encourage evasion of legal responsibilities or financial regulations. Simon Dixon and contributors to this blog do not assume liability for the actions of individuals who engage in illegal financial activities or violate local or international regulations.

Given the sensitive nature of these discussions, we encourage respectful and constructive engagement with this content. The blog aims to promote a deeper understanding of cryptocurrency and its potential political and financial ramifications, while encouraging thoughtful discourse on these global issues.

By reading and engaging with this content, you agree that any actions you take based on the information provided are solely your responsibility. Simon Dixon and contributors to this blog and related content assume no liability for financial losses, legal consequences, or other outcomes stemming from your interpretation or use of the information provided.

It is always recommended to seek advice from legal and financial professionals before making decisions related to cryptocurrency, international financial transactions, or geopolitical matters. This blog encourages a measured and responsible approach to both financial and political decision-making.

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