Closure Of Telegram Group To Protect My Followers
Apr 09, 2024
Dear Members of Simon Dixon's Announcement Group,
It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you of the decision to disband my Telegram groups. This decision has been made in response to the alarming rise in fraudulent activities targeting our community members.
I have observed numerous impostor groups falsely claiming affiliation with me, leading unsuspecting individuals into scams and deceit. To protect our community from these malicious actors, I have decided to remove all Simon Dixon-related groups from Telegram.
Effective immediately, there will be no Simon Dixon presence in any Telegram groups. While my account will remain active on Telegram, please note that I will not engage in direct messaging or private messages with any individuals.
For future announcements and updates, I urge you to follow my official channels on other platforms. Stay connected and informed through my verified accounts on X (formerly Twitter) using the following link: Additionally, all official communications will be available on the BitcoinHardTalk Membership portal:, including newsletters sent to those who are members of the BitcoinHardTalk Membership portal.
I extend my sincere gratitude to each member of my Telegram groups. Your unwavering support and dedication have been invaluable.
Warm regards,
Simon Dixon