BlackRock & Venezuela Want Your Bitcoin – Their Next Move Explained & How to Protect It! #BitcionHardTalk Episode 54

Sep 07, 2024

Hey Hey Wealth Builders,

In the latest #BitcoinHardTalk Episode 54, I dive into an urgent topic that every Bitcoiner needs to understand. BlackRock and Venezuela are making strategic moves in the Bitcoin space, and if you’re not careful, they could be positioning themselves to control more of the Bitcoin network—and, by extension, your wealth. We also break down what’s happening with US Binance and the Stablecoin coup that is reshaping the entire crypto landscape.

So, why should this matter to you? Because if you don’t protect your Bitcoin now, you might lose control of your financial freedom. Let me explain what’s happening and what you can do to secure your Bitcoin.

BlackRock’s Plan for Bitcoin – What You Need to Know

BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, isn’t just playing around—they’re eyeing Bitcoin as part of their strategy to dominate financial markets. They’re using ETFs and other financial products to accumulate Bitcoin under their control, essentially allowing them to hold the real Bitcoin while retail investors settle for a wrapped, paper version. The result? You lose out while they gain more control over the most valuable asset in the world.

But here’s the reality: Bitcoin is designed to free us from centralized control, not hand it over to the likes of BlackRock. If you’re holding your Bitcoin on centralized exchanges or wrapped in financial products, you’re opening yourself up to losing control of your wealth. It’s time to take action before it's too late.

Venezuela and Bitcoin – A Cautionary Tale

Venezuela’s government is another player making moves in the Bitcoin space, but not for the reasons you’d expect. As their economy collapses under the weight of hyperinflation and sanctions, they’ve turned to Bitcoin as a tool for political and economic manipulation. The Petro Token, their failed attempt at launching a national cryptocurrency, shows just how disastrous government intervention can be when it comes to digital assets.

While they try to control Bitcoin as a last-ditch effort to stabilize their reserves, it’s the people of Venezuela who continue to suffer. If their model spreads, it could impact how governments worldwide approach Bitcoin—and that could spell trouble for anyone not in self-custody.

How to Protect Your Bitcoin

Here’s the good news: You can still protect yourself. I’ve been guiding people through Bitcoin’s twists and turns for over a decade, and the strategy remains the same—self-custody your Bitcoin. Don’t rely on centralized institutions like BlackRock, Venezuela, or even traditional exchanges to safeguard your wealth. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Move Your Bitcoin to Self-Custody: Platforms like Binance and Coinbase are convenient, but they come with the risk of having your funds locked, controlled, or even confiscated. Get your Bitcoin into your own wallet where you control the keys.

  2. Stay Educated: The Bitcoin space is constantly evolving, and the best way to stay ahead is to keep informed. I invite you to join the BitcoinHardTalk Membership Portal—it’s free, and you’ll get daily insights into Bitcoin, macroeconomics, and the geopolitical landscape shaping our future.

  3. Apply for the Bitcoin Wealth Builder Program: Want to take your Bitcoin strategy to the next level? My Bitcoin Wealth Builder Program is designed for serious investors who want a step-by-step plan to build and protect their wealth. Apply now to get access to the tools and strategies you need to navigate these uncertain times.

Watch the Full Episode and Stay Ahead

In Episode 54, I explain in detail how BlackRock and Venezuela are moving behind the scenes to accumulate and control Bitcoin, and what this means for you as an individual. We also explore the Stablecoin coup happening in the US, which is set to reshape the way governments and institutions interact with crypto.

This is a must-watch episode if you’re serious about protecting your Bitcoin and staying ahead of the curve.

Watch Episode 54 Now to get the full breakdown, and don’t forget to share it with others in the Bitcoin community. Together, we can push back against centralized control and build a future based on financial freedom.

Take Action: Secure Your Financial Future Today

If you’ve been waiting for the right time to act, this is it. The moves being made by BlackRock and Venezuela signal a turning point for Bitcoin. Whether you’re a seasoned Bitcoiner or just starting out, the steps you take today will define your financial future.

  1. Apply for the Bitcoin Wealth Builder Program: Get the knowledge, tools, and strategies to grow and protect your Bitcoin wealth.
  2. Join the BitcoinHardTalk Membership Portal: Stay informed with daily insights into Bitcoin, geopolitics, and market trends.
  3. Watch Episode 54 Now: Understand the full scope of BlackRock and Venezuela’s next moves and how you can protect yourself.


Stay sovereign,


The views and opinions expressed in this blog post, as well as in #BitcoinHardTalk Episode 54, reflect the personal perspectives of Simon Dixon and are not necessarily representative of any organization, institution, or third-party entity. The content provided discusses global economic, geopolitical, and financial trends, with a focus on Bitcoin, centralized platforms, and institutional actions such as those by BlackRock and the Venezuelan government. This information is intended solely for educational and informational purposes.

We strongly advise readers to understand the complexity of the topics discussed, including financial sovereignty, macroeconomic policy, and geopolitical conflicts. The analysis and opinions shared in this blog are not meant to encourage any form of unlawful activity, nor should they be interpreted as legal or financial advice. Readers are encouraged to comply with local and international laws, including those related to sanctions, anti-money laundering (AML), and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations, when engaging in any financial or cryptocurrency-related activities.

It is important to acknowledge that governments and financial institutions are increasingly monitoring and regulating cryptocurrency transactions, particularly those linked to politically sensitive regions or entities. This may result in asset freezes, sanctions, or legal penalties. Therefore, Simon Dixon and the BitcoinHardTalk team stress the importance of being fully informed about the legal frameworks governing your region and the potential consequences of cryptocurrency-related activities.

The blog also touches on controversial subjects such as financial censorship, the Venezuelan economy, and BlackRock’s role in Bitcoin accumulation. These discussions are intended to raise awareness and promote dialogue but should not be interpreted as endorsing or opposing any particular political stance, government, or institution. Readers should recognize that the recommendations, such as the use of self-custody to protect Bitcoin, are offered within the context of preserving financial independence, but it remains crucial to seek professional legal and financial guidance specific to your circumstances before taking action.

In particular, securing your Bitcoin via self-custody is suggested as a method of safeguarding personal assets in compliance with the law. However, readers must conduct their own research and consult with professionals to assess risks and benefits, as well as to ensure compliance with relevant legal and financial regulations. This is especially important for individuals in regions with stringent laws on free speech, cryptocurrency transactions, or international financial transfers.

By engaging with this content, you agree that any actions you take based on the information provided are done so at your own risk. Neither Simon Dixon, the participants, nor any contributors to this blog, episode, or related content assume any liability for financial loss, legal consequences, or other outcomes that may arise from the use of the information shared.

Finally, public discussions on sensitive geopolitical matters or financial strategies, particularly on platforms like YouTube or social media, should be approached with caution. Statements made in support of or opposition to certain policies or groups may be subject to scrutiny under your jurisdiction’s laws. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully consider the legal implications of any public statements or transactions.

Always seek professional legal and financial counsel before making decisions regarding cryptocurrency, financial transactions, or matters involving geopolitical risk.

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