Why Should I Prepare?

You may not know it, but you're currently living through the final stages in a complete change to the global financial system. 

Money as you know it is currently being replaced by New Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC's) that are being designed to control your life, your loves ones and your financial future. 

Those In Control
Will Get Richer

The rich that control these new monetary technologies will get richer, whilst others will be sinking deeper into financial struggles.

Most people have no clue about the massive shake-up brewing, all carefully planned out by the big shots at central banks and the folks pulling their strings. 

This change is a serious threat to those unprepared, putting many individuals and families on the brink of losing everything as the power given to those that control your money grows deeper by the day. 

The transition will likely be marked by what I've always called - The Great Depression of the 2020s.

Fortunately For You, There Are Ways To Build And Protect Your Wealth Through It All…

There is a counter shield that everybody can use to protect themselves from CBDCs and it’s called Bitcoin.

Those that own Bitcoin will be armed and ready to fight CBDCs.

Those that don’t will be slaves to CBDCs.

Be Prepared & Protect Yourself…

I want you to be on the right side of this change prepared to build and protect your wealth as the world changes to a what I call a Bitcoin & CBDC World.

Bitcoin allows you to own your own money, spend your own money and protect yourself from inflation and CBDC’s with no bank to control you in the middle or confiscate your wealth. 

Bitcoin is a tool for freedom that was gifted to the world by Satoshi Nakamoto after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis that was orchestrated by Central Banks.

Fight Against CBDC Control & Oppression With Your Money…

CBDC’s are being launched by governments all around the world to do the exact opposite of Bitcoin - stop you from owning your own money, spending your own money and if unprepared will likely destroy your wealth through inflation, crisis and even war.

CBDC's Are A Tool For Oppression Rather Than Freedom. 

 To increase your Bitcoin freedom whilst fighting CBDC oppression, you will need to prepare now before it’s too late.

I’ve Spent The Last 20 Years Protecting Myself & Others…


My Name Is Simon Dixon And I Want You To Join Me In Building & Protecting Your Wealth In A World Of Bitcoin And Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Here Is My Biography And Why I Believe I’m Uniquely Qualified To Help All Who Want To Prepare...

Author of First Ever Published Book To Include Bitcoin

Author of the world's first published and best selling Amazon book, Bank To The Future - Protect Your Future Before Governments Go Bust, to include Bitcoin.

Early Investor In Over 100 Bitcoin Companies & A Real Bitcoin OG

An early investor in over 100 Bitcoin companies like Coinbase, Robinhood, Kraken, Circle, Blockchain.com and Bitfinex, and a true Bitcoin OG.

Over 2 Decades Experience in Bitcoin Investing

Over two decades of experience in Bitcoin, investing, economics and money,

Helped Millions Of Investors

As an authority in Bitcoin Investing, I've Reached millions of investors to help them build and protect their wealth.

Mastered In Economics & Worked In Investment Banking

I've mastered in Economics, qualified as a financial planner and worked in Investment Banking Market Making
and as a Stock Broker.

Co-Founded The Longest Standing Company In Bitcoin

Co-founded the longest standing company in Bitcoin -
Bnk To The Future.

Predicted CBDC's Before It Became Mainstream

I predicted and explained the transition of Central Banking to CBDC's in my book, before CBDC’s was a known term.

Featured In Top-Tier Media

I've been regularly quoted & appeared in many of the major press & media including BBC, FT, CNBC, Reuters, Bloomberg,
Wall Street Journal to mention a few.

Read Full Bio

It’s Now Time To Build & Protect Your Wealth In A World of Bitcoin & CBDCs. 

Lets Do It Together…

How Can I Prepare You For A Bitcoin And CBDC World?
To prepare as many people as possible for a Bitcoin & CBDC world, I launched the FREE BitcoinHardTalk Membership Portal to give you everything you need to build and protect your wealth in a Bitcoin & CBDC World.
Join Now

Here’s What You Get When You Join My FREE BitcoinHardTalk Membership Portal

LIVE AMA Private Webinars With Me!

This webinar happens after my weekly BitcoinHardTalk Episodes which goes live over on my YouTube channel. This is only for 200 people at any given time. Those who have been joining me for the live webinars, feel like they are getting 1-to-1 coaching when they join. During these live AMA webinars, you get to ask me ANYTHING. That’s what AMA stands for.

Just so you know, I won’t be doing this forever, but am happy to do it in these times of crisis and the massive shift that’s happening right now as we enter a world of Bitcoin & CBDCs. Only FREE members get an invitation and are able to watch the recordings if they could not join me live.

Submit Questions in advance or Suggest content for my upcoming BitcoinHardTalk Episodes

When you become a member of the BitcoinHardTalk membership portal, there’s a section in the portal which allows you to submit Questions in advance for my future and upcoming episodes of BitcoinHardTalk. It also allows you to suggest content for me to cover in future episodes of BitcoinHardTalk.

All questions and suggestions get read personally by me and my team, but I can’t guarantee that all of them will be answered during the LIVE AMA or in one of my live-streamed BitcoinHardTalk episodes.

However, many feel that their questions and suggestions get a better look in comparison to if comments were made under a YouTube video.

Updates & Newsletter

You will be subscribed to a dedicated newsletter written by me. I share everything that you need to know to prepare yourself for a Bitcoin and CBDC world.
The newsletter will bring you up to speed on everything that happens in the week whilst reminding you about my upcoming BitcoinHardTalk Episodes and LIVE AMA Webinars.

Instant Access to my Great Depression of the 2020's 4 Part Video Series

In early 2020 I invested $1m of my personal savings, live on air, to show people how I’m preparing for the Great Depression of the 2020s. Many people who watched these videos were able to take action immediately especially during the pandemic lockdown around the world. I released these videos as an act of emergency to help as many people to understand what they need to do to help them build and protect their wealth in what I coined as the Great Depression of the 2020’s.

The 4 Part Video Series Are Broken Down Into The Following Topics

Video 1: Learn to Build and Protect Your Wealth in the 2020’s

This is where you learn how a Great Depression will affect your savings and investments. FYI, I’ve spent over 20 years understanding and mastering 5000 years of financial history. You will learn all of that in Video 1!

Video 2:  Lessons and Mistakes from 7 high profile investors and Bitcoin figures.

The main question you want to be asking yourself during extraordinary times like we are witnessing today are: What are the most successful investors doing right now?

This video answers that question by teaching you the exact lessons and mistakes from Warren Buffet, Ray Dalio, Peter Schiff, Paul Tudor Jones, Robert Kiyosaki, Tone Vays and Roger Ver, that you can use immediately to help you build and protect your wealth in the Great Depression of the 2020s. 

Video 3: Five Strategies to Invest in both traditional and Bitcoin markets.

This video reveals how anybody can implement 5 strategies to protect themselves today.
You will learn 5 strategies that I have used when investing $1m of my personal savings and learn EXACTLY how I would do it if I had no savings during the Great Depression of the 2020’s.

Video 4: How To Build A Retirement Plan B Portfolio with Simon Dixon.

Many were curious to learn how I would build my wealth starting today?

In this video you get to see me do just exactly that. This is where I put my money where my mouth is and demonstrate to you in the live recording how I built a retirement plan B portfolio during the Great Depression of the 2020s. One of them is where I use $1m of my personal saving and the other is where I have no savings but an average income, all whilst implementing strategies and tools of the wealthiest 1%

Download a FREE Digital Copy of my best selling Amazon book: Bank To The Future - Protect Your Future Before Governments Go Bust.

This book made a lot of early and controversial predictions that are playing out right now. It was the first book in the world to ever be published and mention Bitcoin. I talked a great deal about Digital Money and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) which the world is now starting to talk about a lot more.

I’m proud of this book and very happy to give this copy away for FREE. Download it, read it and share it with as many people as you possibly can.

Get Access To All Archives Of every Emergency Broadcasts

When there’s something really urgent that the world needs to know that’s happening right now such as things that happen at the IMF which would impact you and your family, that’s when I do an Emergency Broadcast over on my YouTube channel.

So that such videos don’t get taken down in the future by big technocrats such as YouTube, I think it’s wise to back them up so that you always have access to them all.

Get access to all archives of every BitcoinHardTalk Episodes and other videos

As my BitcoinHardTalk episodes are streamed live on YouTube, and with my channel most likely being shadow banned, it only makes sense to make sure to back them all up via the BitcoinHardTalk membership portal. That’s where you have access to all of the BitcoinHardTalk Episodes.

Plus archives of most videos that I’ve ever uploaded or live-streamed, whether that’s on YouTube, X or any other social media platform. 

All of my videos whether they are a video I uploaded or streamed via YouTube or if they are X Space recordings, or from any other platform, are all backed up and uploaded to the BitcoinHardTalk membership portal. You won’t need to go anywhere else to search as many of them are all being uploaded right within the portal.

Ready To Join The BitcoinHardTalk Community For FREE?


For those of you who are ready to be a member of the BitcoinHardTalk community, it’s very simple to join. Click the button below where you will be directed to a checkout page (don’t worry, it’s all FREE) where you simply create a login by entering a valid email address and choose a suitable and memorable password. 

See you inside the BitcoinHardTalk membership portal.


Simon Dixon
Bitcoin Angel Investor | Author | Bitcoin OG | CEO & Co-Founder, Bnk To The Future

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